What if the image is changed after being tagged?

A problem which facebook doesn’t need to deal with which we will is changing photos after they have been tagged. This is because on facebook once a photo is uploaded it can not be changed. If a user wants to replace it they delete it (along with all comments and tags) and upload a new one.

With our system simply hotlinking to the images rather than hosting them ourselves, it means we have no control over ensuring that the image is not changed or removed.

To help with this we will take a hash of the image the first time it is seen and then compare this to the image periodically (more often for images which are viewed more often). If an image is changed the old tags can be archived and removed from the live image.

These archived tags could then be presented to the site owner who can re-add them to the new image if appropriate.

If an image is removed and this is detected then it can be removed from people’s albums so that it does not link to dead images.

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Who is allowed to tag?

One question which was raised was who has permission to add/remove tags on each site.

Facebook allows anyone to tag people they know in any photo they have permission to view. If we followed this it may cause problems for site owners who wish to tag their own websites and these tags are then removed by vandals, or other tags are added which are inaccurate or offensive. This leads us to the conclusion that different images must have different settings for who is allowed to edit the tags.

The next question is who gets to set the privacy settings and how they do it, with the first idea being that a site owner can inject some javascript into their site  to set permissions, for example:

"default_permission": taggr.OWNER_ONLY, // Can only be tagged by the site owner
"/images/1.jpg": taggr.REMOVE_OWN, // Can only remove their own tags
"/images/2.jpg": taggr.NONE, // Can not be tagged
"/images/3.jpg": [12324244, 1324324342324] // Can be tagged by specific facebook users
// etc...

The problem this raises is what happens if an image is hotlinked, in which case the hotlinking site could set looser restrictions than the original site and then allow users to tag things which the original site would not want. These tags would then appear on the original site.

The solution to this is to allow site owners to authenticate with Taggr (the method of authentication can be discussed in the future) and set overall restrictions centrally which can then be made more restrictive on a site-by-site basis using the javascript as previously mentioned.

This solution would also allow a site owner to opt-out of tagging, and disable tagging for users with the plugin on their site.

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Name ideas:

taggr – Jonny

etag – sumair

gta – sumair

tagmentor – deep

taginator – deep

tagatron – deep

UniversalTags -Bharat

MeTagged – Bharat

E-Stapled – Bharat


Tag4Fun – Bharat

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Future Ideas

Ideas which are out of scope currently

Label tagging
rather than just friend tagging

Face recognition
use face.com api – perhaps once it gets a big enough sample dataset it could even suggest sites where you may have photos that you don’t know about? maybe this is impossible… I don’t know…

Video tagging
Perhaps just simply tagging “You are somewhere in this video” or perhaps something more complex?

Text tagging
In the same way you can link to users with @Jonathan Scott for example on Facebook or @jscott1989 on twitter, perhaps blog owners would like the ability to @ tag their social networking contacts. This would have the difficult of what is shown to users who don’t have the plugin/javascript injected. Perhaps something like “@Jonathan Scott[http://facebook.com/jscott1989]” which gets shortened into a link by the plugin. Also it must be thought about what is able to be tagged (Facebook friends, twitter, facebook pages, other blogs? etc…) and is it not easier just to insert a link if that is needed…

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Week 2

I was absent for this meeting (for a valid reason which I would not like to publish on this blog). From feedback from the other group members the meeting covered:

Further discussion about possible names for the project, although none decided as yet.

Discussion about criteria which needs to be fulfilled for the project to be successful, including: Ensuring the idea is innovative and new, and proving that we have taken steps necessary to confirm this, explaining how the idea fulfils the criteria of being “social”, what are the advantages of using our application, and what are the effects on social life.

Development of a prototype will be an advantage and is something we will persue, and it was also decided that we would use survey’s to assess the usefulness of the application from a user’s perspective.

A brief overview of the project plan was produced which is:

    Look in the research papers and search for existence of this idea.
    Assign the roles and responsibilities to the persons
    What are the functionalities you are planning to provide
    What will be the impact of this on social life.
    Method that we will follow to achieve this
    What are the deadlines?


1. Think of a name for the project
2. The idea that you have thought has to be innovative and what are the methods that you have followed to make sure that the idea is new.
3. You have to tell how this idea is new.
4. Also search in web-cat and Google scholar to make sure that this idea is new.
5. How this will support the social factors.
6. The idea must be new and in case you can develop any prototype it will be an advantage.
7. Conducting the survey and using the results to find out the usability
8. What are the advantages of this application.
9. What are the effects of this application on social life.
10. Project Plan
• Look in the research papers and search for existence of this idea.
• Assign the roles and responsibilities to the persons
• What are the functionalities you are planning to provide
• What will be the impact of this on social life.
• Method that we will follow to achieve this
• What are the deadlines?

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Week 1

This week the group was formed and we began initial brainstorming of ideas. The ideas suggested were:

Social Radio (Jonny)
During long working sessions I would often exchange music with a friend (via linking to songs on Spotify) and listen to the the same music roughly in-sync. This suggestion is for a sort of shared playlist which plays in sync, and members of the group all listen together and can suggest and vote on music for the playlist.

Time Shifting Social Networks (Jonny)
This idea is to effectively delay the display of posts on facebook or twitter by the difference in time zone from the location it was posted to where it was viewed, allowing someone’s day to be seen in context rather than just getting a dump of posts at 9am when you first log on.

Numerous problems were identified with this idea such as if the post is posted in a timezone behind the location it is read in.

Cross site photo tagging (Jonny)
Photo tagging works on a number of sites, including facebook, flickr, orkut, etc. However if you, for example, wanted to see all of the photos of a particular person, you would have to view each site individually. Furthermore there are many photographs online which are not in a community which supports tagging, and these are not grouped with the tags inside the communities.

This proposal would include a system which would allow tagging photos from any website which are then grouped together and can be traversed and modified in a similar way to the currently existing tagging systems.

Universal Forum Client (Jonny)
This would include creating a single interface (either web based or as a standard application) similar to an email client or RSS reader which combines together many forums. Rather than simply reading the RSS feeds of forums this system would support the features beyond basic RSS such as making replies, private messages, etc.

Universal Blog Search (Sumair)
This system would allow for a single search to go across many blogs from the many different blogging providers and provide the results in a unified manner.

After discussing a number of these ideas and the pros and cons of each we agreed that the cross site photo tagging idea is the most useful and most unique. We did come up with a number of issues surrounding the project including ownership of tags (who can untag) and issues when the photo is on a private website (such as orkut or picassa). These issues will be discussed in future blog posts.

Naming ideas were briefly discussed but there are still no ideas really jumping out at the moment. We will need to finalise this in the next week or two.

The groupname was decided to be Tag4Fun.

For the next meeting:

  • Finalise project name
  • Discuss scheduling of planning and potential implementation
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    Other Examples

    Other examples of tagging


    Facebook, Flickr, Orkut, Myspace, etc.


    Facebook, Delicious, Twitter, etc.


    ThingLink – Aimed at website owners to tag images to link to other parts of a site, not social.

    Posted in Analysis of existing similar tools | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


    Facebook tagging is well used to link facebook photos to people or to tag the names of non-facebook objects.

    There exists many photographs which are not inside facebook which could use this functionality.

    We propose a system which adds tagging functionality to any photograph on any website, using facebook connect it will allow tagging of facebook friends and pages which have been liked, as well as arbitrary labels similar to facebook.

    The tag would then be posted on that user’s wall for them to view.

    There will also be a facebook application which allows people to view tags from all over the web of a user, and also web browser plugins which make these photos available as a normal album in the “Photos” section of a facebook profile. (for those users with the plugin installed)

    The functionality can be enabled on a site-by-site basis by a site owner including the tag javascript in the source code.

    This would mean all visitors to the website could tag (assuming they have facebook).

    Users could also install the plugin which would then enable the functionality on every website.

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    Initial Project Plan

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