Analysis of Similar Tools

We have compared the tools and these are the findings that has been mentioned below :-

Tools Description

1)      Panoramio

  1. Ask users to organize images using tags allowing searchers to find images concerning to a certain topic(such as place name or subject).
  2. It was the first web site to implement tag clouds(provide access to images tagged with the most popular keywords).

Site: –



2)     ITag

  1. Geocode your photos and movies by embedding GPS coordinates using Google Earth.
  2. Search for tagged files with iTag’s powerful search engine using keyword, rating, filename or even a street address if you have geocoded photo.

Site: –

3)     TaggedFrog

  1. Based on the convenient drag’n’drop technique, TaggedFrog allows you to organize your files, documents and Web links. It also provides the functionality of searching your documents based on tags.
  2. This software is limited to tagging of any document pertaining to the personal computer or laptop.

Site: –

4)     Tag Galaxy

  1. It has a very good GUI and images are tagged with Geo Location
  2. Cross domain site which use flickr as the main source for images and based on tag names provides a very fast search.

Site: –

Tool Comparison

Tool Name Advantage Disadvantage
Panoramio Shows the actual location where the picture was taken and opens that location using google maps Dependent on Google maps.It’s a website showing this functionality.
ITag ITag embeds GPS coordinates in the pictures.Provides a very powerful search engine to search a picture via Name, Tags or even GPS location. Dependent on Google Earth.Its a software that needs to be installed for using its functionality.
TaggedFrog Based on a Drag and drop technique and a very handy tool to organise any kind of document using concept of tagging. This software is limited to tagging of documents pertaining to the personal computer or laptop.Again a software tool.
Tag Galaxy Excellent User Interface and a avery fast and efficient search based on tags. Dependent on Flickr.It is a web page that does the cross site referencing to Flickr.

Done by :- Deep and Bharat

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