Architectural Design

For our project we proposed 3 tier MVC architecture. The reason for proposing MVC is that gives data the ability to change independently and allows presentation of the same data in different ways (Pressman, 2010). With 3-layered architecture gives more secure accessing to data and authentication can be enabled in each layer (Sommerville, 2010). We believe that merging MVC with 3 Layered architecture gives more secure and enhance reuse functionality.



Sommerville, I. (2010) Software Engineering >INTERNATIONAL EDITION <. 9th edn. Harlow: Pearson Education (US)

Pressman (2000) Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach (McGraw-Hill International Editions: Compute… 5th edn. United States: McGraw Hill Higher Education


These mockups show how Small.World would look on a smartphone, with the Nexus 5 used as an example.

After logging in, the user is taken to the ‘Friends’ tab, where they can see the friends that they are connected to (solid black line), as well as the friends of a friend (dotted black line). By tapping on a profile picture, a user can see the public profile of another user (e.g. interests, location)

Small.World_Examples2 Small.World_Examples3

The menu is accessed by tapping the button in the top left of the screen. From there a user can edit their profile, giving as much information as they want to, as well as being able to edit the display of the app. Users are also able to filter their friends by location or interest which would be useful for users with large numbers of friends.


The map view shows the location of a user and the location of their friends and friends of a friend within a certain radius. In the settings, the radius can be changed and the user can choose whether to see people or events. Again tapping on a user’s dot will bring up the public profile of another user.


System Modeling

The system requirements that have been collected from team members (since the permission for an ethical approvement got delayed) and feasibility study have been modelled using textual use cases for the most outstanding functions and that make the core of the application. This gives a better understanding of what the system is expected to do and how the user is expected to use it.


Recommendation use case

is an example of the developed use cases. for a detailed view, read use cases.

Class Diagram

The Class is the static structure of the system. The diagram illustrates the system classes, attributes, operations and interrelationship between them (Ambler, 2014). The class diagram is divided into two main sections, class name with blue background, attributes beginning with a minus sign (-) indicate a private attribute.The arrows show the associations between classes with labels indicating the nature of the relations. For example, User class is associated with Profile class, it means each user has it is own profile.For simplicity, only the main operations are included in these classes. As in requirements mentioned, the User class has Chat, Post, and Message class. To make the class diagram clearer and easily understood, some operations have been eliminated from the figure.


SmallWorld_Class Diagram1

Use Case Diagram for Small.World

This is the use case diagram for Small.World.

The Use case diagram below represents the main possible interactions of actors/stakeholders of Small.World. This is inline with the functional requiremnt of the application. The user first need to create account through multiple options such as google+, facebook or create account in Small.World. When the user login they can do different types of activity as shown in the diagram.
The Application, has many options that allows user to do videio conferencing, tag user on map and store past activity log, GPS tracking and pay per click advertisements are some of them.

*Visio Professional by microsoft is used to draw use case diagram because it has significant generralised drawing tools that allows you to produce any diagram very quickly. Asmallworld - Copy