Here follows a quick demo of the final app, put together with interactive mockups. You can play with the interactive mockups at
Here follows a quick demo of the final app, put together with interactive mockups. You can play with the interactive mockups at
Whenever something changes in the network (e.g. a new user joins, a user changes their settings on skills and interests, or a user changes location), the matching algorithm is run to compute the set of matching users. The following flowchart shows how the algorithm works. What follows is a simplified version of the actual algorithm. Further Thoughts In order to… Read more →
What follows are initial paper mockups drawn to have a visual perspective of the application to be designed. They have been used to aid the target audience understand how the app will look like.
As part of our Requirement Gathering process, we intend to get external opinions from the potential users of the app. As such, we plan to hit the streets and survey people. The structure of the surveys is as follows. Detailed survey questions are listed here. Debrief them about the application Would you be willing to exchange your skills with someone… Read more →
The social network we intend to design is an app meant to bring together people who want to learn something new, practise their skills or help somebody. Upon registration, the new user will be able to identify the areas of human knowledge in which they are proficient in and select the skills they would like to acquire. The app will… Read more →