Search for an offer and for a shops location

Diane is a 22 years old student. She studies at the University of Southampton, and she decided to go for shopping with her friend Laura. Diane is very interested in offers, and so she decided to have a quick look at Shopster’s application.

Diane starts the application and enters her username and password for logging in. Diane after herlogin is navigated at the Home page. Diane clicks on the advance search button for searching some interesting offers. Diane fills in information about the offers she is interested. She searches offers on clothing, which are 50% off and are located in Southampton.  The application shows the results of potential offers that maybe are good for Diane. Diane clicks on an offer and is navigated to the offer’s page. The offers rating and commenting are too convincing so she decides to go and check for the offer with her friend. The problem is that she doesn’t know where the shop is located. So, she clicks on the shop for finding more information. The shop page is presented and Diane clicks on direction button. The next screen includes a map that gives directions about the shop’s location and how to get there.

UML Use Case

Search for an offer and for a shops location

Search for an offer and for a shops location use case

User Interface Storyboards:

Logged in to Shopster

Select Search

Submit Search criteria

Select an offer from search results

View the Shop

View the Map Directions to the Shop

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