What is your name?
Toran Donaldson
What is your position in the club? What does that imply? What do you have to do for the club?
Vice President; helping president run the club and general overseer of what goes on.
For how long have you been playing basketball for? What got you started?
Been playing basketball for 2 years, and watching Dwyane Wade vs Spurs in 2013 finals is what got me interested in the sport.
Why do you like/love basketball? What motivates you to go the training sessions?
Simply enjoy playing the sport, that sound when you swish the ball into the net.
Biggest motivation for training is playing. Don’t train = sit on the bench.
What is your favourite NBA team? Who is your favourite basketball player? Why?
Favourite player is, of course, Dwyane Wade; the fluidity and finesse he has to his game is second to none. Makes the ridiculous look effortless.
What was your most memorable moment?
Haven’t played for very long so don’t have a personal favourite moment, my favourite nba play is D Wade dunk over Varejao in 2009.
Anything else you want to share?
I look forward to hopefully running the club next year, and enjoying another year of basketball and fun with SUBC.