Kit Secretary:
What is your name and where are you from?
Daniel Alayo, South East London.
What is your position in the club? What does that imply? What do you have to do for the club?
Kit Sec, I am in charge of designing and sorting out kit orders for the club. I have to seek out clothing companies, get in touch with them and design clothing items so that club members can purchase them.
For how long have you been playing basketball for? What got you started?
I’ve been playing for around 5 years. I started playing in school at lunchtime with friends and really got into it.
Why do you like/love basketball? What motivates you to go the training sessions?
It’s an exciting sport where you are constantly reading and reacting to different situations. It’s high intensity and always exciting.
What is your favourite NBA team? Who is your favourite basketball player? Why?
Chicago Bulls. Derrick rose. Watching him play as I started getting into the sport motivated me to play harder and get better.
What was your most memorable moment?
Winning the cup final.
Anything else you want to share?
Ball is life.