On the 28th November, 2013, the PLUSTEX team, with Public Policy@Southampton, will host a round table discussion that will be focused on the theme of fostering eco innovation and social responsibility in the textile and clothing sector.
We know that cultural and creative industries are in a strategic position to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and contribute to economic and social transformation through smart specialisation, strengthening the economic, social and territorial cohesion, in a sustainable way.
We want to deepen our links with other related areas in the University: find out if there are potential synergies with other School and Departments, such as the Social Policy, Geography, Politics departments, what their view may be as to the aims of the project, is there scope to take Plustex further as a distinctive focus in our region, or take the project as a basis for developing a study about how to benefit a range of communities in this region (for example, migrants and refugees).
The afternoon will include a short overview of PLUSTEX and the Good Practice policies already presented, and a open discussion on the possible synergies between industry, education providers and policymakers in our region.