On Thursday 28th November 2013, the Plustex team at Winchester School of Art hosted a round table discussion focused on the theme of fostering eco innovation and social responsibility in the sector.
The cultural and creative industries are in a strategic position to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and to contribute to economic and social transformation through smart specialisation policies.
The workshop, organised with the help of Public Policy@Southampton, publicised the PLUSTEX aims of developing the competitive attributes for textile and clothing SMEs, and the European policy initiatives that underpin the project, to regional stakeholders .
The workshop sought to deepen links between the School of Art, Faculty of Business and Law, and other related areas in the University: find out if there are potential synergies with other schools and departments, what their view may be as to the aims of the project, and if there is scope to develop a study about how to benefit a range of communities in this region (for example, migrants and refugees involved in the textile trade).