Work Plan

We got together and decided on what needed to be done for the project.  Everyone had the opportunity to go through the spreadsheet and decide which tasks best suited their skills. In the end this was the contribution from our group members. Where we were unable to do specific task in a given week we made up for it in the following weeks and were able to still have a useful adaptable team shedule.

Google Drive was used to manage this. You can also look at all of our meeting posts here.

Start date Week Task Responsible
27th Jan Wk 1 Meet group (Request Blog) Keisha
3rd Feb Wk 2 Choose name and brainstorm ideas  All
10th Feb Wk 3 Blog post (Draft flow chart – user interface) Kay
Create Blog post 1 – Welcome
Choose Project
  End of Wk – Requirement: submit a project brief (approx 200 words)
17th Feb Wk 4 Meet with Mentor (Manuel) All
Blog post (Analysis of existing similar tools) Keisha
24th Feb Wk 5 Blog post (Copyright) Shirlyn
(Draft survey and interview questions. Decide on method of dissemination) – send to ethics committee Liam, Kay, Keisha, Shirlyn
Blog post (Links to related news items in the tech media) Chang
Decide on how we will present this (video, powerpoint etc…) All
3rd Mar Wk 6 Distribute survey and interview questions. Decide on method of dissemination All
3 blog posts (Analysis of existing similar tools) Keisha
Blog post (Survey) Keisha
Work Plan – organise Google Drive Keisha
10th Mar Wk 7 Blog post (Social / Ethical considerations) Keisha
Mentor check in All
Blog post (what is web 2.0) Chang
Blog post (two videos) Chang
Blog post (Ethical ways to attract users) Chang
Blog post (Social Music Marketing, Brands? Millennials & Digital Natives: miXXerS) Keisha
17th Mar Wk 8 Blog post (Educational context) Yash
2 Blog posts linked to Social network theory Keisha
Decide on what we will work on during Easter and contribute to task All
Blog post (News) Keisha
3 informative/News blog posts and 1 business post Yash
(Mon 23 Mar – Mon 13 Apr) EASTER BREAK Build website Chang
Decide on who will do the visual presentation based on skills All
Blog post (Links to related news items in the tech media) Keisha
Blog post (Related academic work) Shirlyn
Blog post (News) Kay
Blog post (Scenarios and Personas) Kay
Blog post (Effect of social media on music industry – including case study) Liam
Blog post (Business Model) Keisha
Blog post (SWOT Analysis) Yash
20th Apr Wk 9 Blog post (Web maps and Storyboards) Kay
Blog post (Scenarios and Personas) Keisha
Blog post (Potential network users) Liam
Blog post (Mockups and Ideas) Kay
Blog post (UML diagrams) Kay
Blog post (UML diagrams) Liam
Check in with Mentor All
Blog post (Website demo) Chang
Blog post (Narration for tech demo) Liam
Blog post (Privacy/Trust/Terms and Conditions) Shirlyn
Blog post (Legal and Copyright issues) Shirlyn
28th April Wk 10 Blog post (miXXerS Mobile Apps) Shirlyn
Blog post (Potential Risks) Yash
Blog post (PESTLE and SWOT Analysis (Legal issues)) Yash
Blog post (miXXerS graph) Kay
Blog post (Standards and Protocol) Liam
Blog post (Privacy Policy) Shirlyn
Blog posts (Meeting notes) Keisha
Blog post (Survey Results) Kay
Revised flow chart based on responses (UML diagrams) Kay
Dragon’s Den Pitch Keisha
DEADLINE – 1st May Review of the blog and edit all blog post and add link to social network theories, tagging – 28th April Keisha

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