Introducing Networx7 (Video) – Why miXXerS?


We all met in the Mountbatten lunch room to check the demo for our site and take some photos and videos for the introductory video Kay did, which we also hope to use in the Dragon’s Den. You can see the result above 🙂 Liam also did the narration for our web demo and we went through the remaining work that we have to do. Enjoy the video! What better way to introduce us and our project could there be than actually using YouTube to do it! (By Keisha Taylor)

Addressing project constraints successfully :)

Over the Easter Break it was difficult for us to meet as some people were working, and others were out of the country.Though time was one of constraints we quickly made up for this after the Easter break and was able to do everything we planned for and even a little bit more 🙂 In addition we used a social media tool to meet. Skype! This proved useful when we were all able to eventually attend the Skype meeting and we used the video facility to be able to see each other. We again discussed the tasks remaining and everyone said they would follow up on doing what their bit of the project. Social media came in handy here! Getting approval from the Ethics committee also proved difficult even though we submitted our survey early because of this break. However, we got there in the end and got a significant number of responses!

Allocating tasks

In this team meeting we got together and decided on what needed to be done for the project. I followed up on this by going through each of the tasks needed based on the specification and allocating names to those tasks. Everyone had the opportunity to go through the doc and decide which tasks best suited their skills. In the end this was the contribution from our group members

In the end this is what each of us did for the project. I used Google Drive to manage this.

Task Responsible
Wk 1
Meet group (Create Blog and post Blog post 1 – Welcome and project brief) Keisha
Wk 2
Draft flow chart – user interface Kay
Meet with Mentor (Manuel) All
Meeting Notes Keisha
Blog posts (Analysis of existing similar tools) Keisha
Wk 3
Overview of standards and protocols Shirlyn
Draft survey and interview questions. Decide on method of dissemination) – send to ethics committee Liam, Kay, Keisha, Shirlyn
Links to related news items in the tech media Chang
End of Wk – Requirement: submit a project brief (approx 200 words) Keisha
Wk 4 Distribute survey and interview questions. Decide on method of dissemination All
Post Survey Keisha
Survey Summary Kay
Social / Ethical considerations Keisha, Yashi
Legal, Privacy Issues Shirlyn, Yashi
Mentor check in All
Educational context Yashi
Blog post (Link of our project to what we studied, theories) Keisha
EASTER BREAK Decide on what we will work on during Easter and contribute to task All
Wk 5 Blog post (UML diagrams) Liam
Web Demo Chang
Links to related news items in the tech media All
SWOT and PESTLE analysis Yashi
Business Model Keisha
Wk 6
Web maps and Storyboards Kay
Scenarios and Personas Kay, Keisha
Blog post (Mockups and Ideas) Kay, Chang
Check in with Mentor All
Format blog, check grammer edit headings, tags and ensure all content is as per requirements Keisha
Wk 7
Dragon’s Den presentation All
Introductory Video Chang, Kay

miXXerS… Social Network Linking DJs, Musicians & Party/Concert-Goers


Music lovers are rejecting the purchase of CDs in favor of streaming their favorite songs via platforms like Spotify or illegally downloading them. This has dealt a blow to not just the wider music industry but also the musician. On the other hand, concert sales and attendance at parties are still the norm, whether they are small or large. DJs are also still popular and their services are still valued at parties.

After a coming up with a few ideas in this meeting we finally decided on our project! We propose the creation of a social network site called ‘miXXerS’ which will connect concert and party goers with each other as well as DJs and musicians. It will be integrate with existing sites like SoundCloud, and MixCloud but also include third party integration of Twitter and Facebook. The site will facilitate the discovery and sharing of new music and information on parties. It will enable connection with others who may have similar tastes in music, concerts and parties. It will also help to put more revenue into the pockets of DJs, musicians, promoters and party organisers who can also use the site to promote such events and the music that is played there.


To connect music listeners, partygoers, musicians/DJs and party/concert producers on one site.

Tagline: Connecting all music and party and concert goers





Networx7 – Who are we?


We are a group of students from a variety of backgrounds within the department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, which includes Web Technology, Web Science, Software Engineering and Computer Science. We also come from many countries including the UK, China, Japan, Malaysia and Trinidad and Tobago. You can find out more about us and our interests here!