miXXerS Copyright Policy

It is important for users to be well aware of copyright policy page. miXXerS respects intellectual property rights and expects its users to do the same. If content submitted by users in miXXerS infringes copyrighted work, you may submit a report via a web form which gives us a notice of any alleged copyright infringement.

A notification of alleged copyright infringement must be addressed to miXXerS’ copyright agent as listed above. Please include as much detail as possible to allow us to identify the facts or circumstances, including, where possible:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of the owner (or person authorised to act on behalf of the owner) of the copyright that is allegedly infringed;
  2. Specific identification of each copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed;
  3. A description of where the material believed to be infringing is located on miXXerS  or the miXXerS Websites (please be as detailed as possible and provide a URL to help us locate the material you are reporting);
  4. Contact information for the complaining party, such as a complete name, address, telephone number, and email address;
  5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and that the complaining party is the owner of the right that is allegedly infringed, or agent for the owner.

Furthermore, miXXerS has a policy to terminate in appropriate circumstances the accounts of subscribers who are repeat infringers.

Copyright © 2015 MiXXer AB. All rights reserved.

Terms and Conditions, Privacy and Trust

Below is a summary of our privacy policy. We will adhere to the mischance principle and the voluntary principle for our site as outlined by Robert L. McArthur (2001). miXXerS cannot feasibly be reasonable for the privacy of information that can easily be discovered. Users that want to anonymise or encrypt their communication would not be able to use miXXers and it is inevitable that records will be left in caches, cookies and servers as with all websites. In addition to gain users trust we will be transparent on how information is being used in line with Weitzner et al (2008). We will also adhere to the EU’s Data Protection Directive, which is also internationally regarded as one of the most stringent data privacy laws globally. By adhering to this standard we will not only be able to expand successfully in Europe but also internationally and in a way which respects the privacy of our users. In addition given the difficult users face in reading privacy policies (McDonald, A. and Cranor, L. 2008) we will attempt to make our policies as user friendly as possible and let users know whenever we have made a change to our policy. However given the service is free to users there will inevitably be a privacy trade off and this will entail some level of risk management on the part of our users (Dunfee T et al. 1999).

miXXerS’ Web Application is about the sharing of anything that is related to music/events. A registration/login system is implemented so that only registered users are able to post/edit/delete/rate/comment on recipes. Moreover, music can be organised by categories, users can view any music update that under a specific category.

Users will be engaging in Policy based trust by signing up to our network and we will be utilising the concept of provenance based trust for the site (Moreau 2009). However reputation based trust is extremely important and so we must ensure we adhere to the policies that our users have signed onto to ensure that we do no risk our reputation, increase trust which would in turn support user growth.

Cookies: Our website uses “cookie” technology. A cookie is a small data file that is placed on the hard drive of your device such as laptop or mobile browsers when you a website. A “session cookie” expires immediately when you end your session (i.e., close your browser). The cookie allows us to recognize you or/and your device when you return to our website. You can disable cookies at any time by using your browser options; however, if you do not register with us, we will not able to recognize you as our MiXXer member.

Technology and Techniques to develop MiXXer Website:

Technology and Technique

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to miXXerS.com. This section will describe the standards and protocols as a Privacy Policy. As a visitor to miXXerS, your trust is our most important asset. This Privacy policy is provided to inform you of our policies and practices regarding how we collect, use, disclosure, transfer and store information about you.

MiXXer Privacy Policy_Blog.

Thanks for choosing miXXerS. In this policy, the words “we”, “our”, and “us” refer to miXXerS. In order to use our miXXerS service or website, miXXerS Limited may need to collect personally identifiable information and this Privacy Policy is where we describe the information we collect, how we use such information, and how you can manage and control the use of your information.

When using or interacting with our website, you are entering into a binding contract with us and consenting to the use of your information as explained in this Privacy Policy.


What kinds of information do we collect_blog

General Data

When you register for an account to use our service, we collect “personally identifiable information” or “personal information” mean any information by which you can be identified or contacted, such as your name (first and last), address (city, state, zip), e-mail address, telephone number, etc. We may store this information so that it can be used for the purposes in connecting you with others.We may also disclose your personally identifiable information when you ask us to do so or when we believe it is required by law.

Payment Data

When you sign up for a Premium Account that require payment subscription or make other purchases through the service, your credit card information and other financial data we need to process your payment are collected and stores by a third party payment processor.

How do we use this information_Blog

We use your personal information that we collect to provide you with the best services and experience. We may also, (ii) communicate with you for Service-related purposes, including promotional e-mails, sponsorships or messages, (iii) enable and promote the Service, including features and content of the Service, and products and services made available through the Service such as sharing, user interactions, notifications and suggestions, and integration with third party services.


How is this information shared_Blog

The miXXerS Service is a social service for music which offers many ways in searching, share the music or content related to music at music board, and we enable users to explore who else is using the Service and their public profiles.

Your account information is or may be publicly available to others by default, such as your name and/or username, profile picture, location, including the music you add or favourite. Your activity on the Service will automatically appear in the activity feed of friends and other users who follow you or your profile content.



Dunfee T.W, Smith N. and Ross W.T. Social contracts and marketing ethics. The Journal of Marketing (1999) vol. 63 (3)

McDonald, A. and Cranor, L. The Cost of Reading Privacy Policies. I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society. 2008 Privacy Year in Review issue

Moreau. The foundations for provenance on the web. Foundations and Trends in Web Science (2009)

Weitzner DJ, Abelson H, Berners-Lee T, Feigenbaum J, Sussman GJ. Information Accountability, Communications of the ACM (2008) vol. 51 (6) pp. 82-87

PESTLE Analysis

We found that the PESTLE Analysis strategy is useful in the development of miXXerS:

Political: In order to run the social media lawfully, the brand has to follow the electronic commerce regulation 2002 (Gov.uk.2013).

Economic: The UK has the 6th largest economy in the world. After the financial crisis hit UK in the face in 2008 today UK continue to struggle. Before the financial crisis the GDP growth rate was around 3% but recently it is only 1.79%. Currently, the law abiding citizens of united kingdom are still struggling but slowly started to recover from credit crunch. We believe social media platform such as Networx7 would be extremely beneficial for musicians, DJs and party producers currently based in UK or anywhere across the globe, as they would be able to see who is getting more rating on social media and spot the talent which will make their life so much easier. (EconomyWatch.2013.)

Social: As this is social media platform and it tends to target a wide range of audiences across the globe with  numerous ethnic backgrounds, it is essential to provide the user with an option to translation the whole webpage into their mother tongue in order for them to use the website to its full potential. With the help of this platform, DJ’s from different country can collaborate their music and create something unique and distinctive which is not only beneficial for them as an individual but also beneficial for record labels. Recent statistics shows that 97% of the people listen to music several times a week (Social Statistics.2015), which highly emphasises the point that this website is going to be very beneficial not only for DJ’s but also for music lovers. This platform is going to break through all the social factors and bringing all music lovers whether they be music producers or simply music listeners together through music and musical events.

Technology: As it is going to be an online social network, it is essential to take technical factors into consideration. As this website is going to be operated all over the world it is essential for us to make sure the countries have facilities such as internet and broadband to make sure that they can use this website to its full potential. Differing technology legislation in in countries should also be considered before launching the services. Encryption for passwords and secure system socket layer protocol will also be implemented in order to project passwords from hackers. As a virtual piece of program that means miXXerS will not have to invest in new technology for very long time as the program will be compatible for with future hardware for long period of time. In addition the site must remain a mobile first site. A contingency plan is also going to be implemented in case of disaster.

Legal: There are many Legal issues which needs to be taken into consideration while working online or offline using social media. Issues such as:

1) Third party Content: Anytime an individual is uploading any sort of content including images, videos, music, text needs to be compliant with copyright law. You should have right to post third party content.

2) Content Ownership: who owns the information and media which has been uploaded on the website. Have you read entire terms and condition of the social media website before uploading all your confidential information. When you delete the information about yourself, is it actually delete or is it still property of social media website.

3) Criminal Activities: If a piece of text or a multimedia files has been a potential source of criminal activities online.

4) Information about an individual: Such information on social media could be a potential source of information to third party organisation without an individuals consent. (Ossian.K.,2012)

Environmental: Environmental issues are not applicable as their isn’t going to any waste disposal or recycling procedure taking place.

Ossian.K.,2012.Legal Issues in Social Networking.Available from:http://www.millercanfield.com/media/article/200120_LEGAL%20ISSUES%20IN%20SOCIAL%20NETWORKING.pdf [Accessed on 22nd april 2015]

Social Statistics.2015.How often do you listen to music. Available from:http://surveys.pro/statistics/how-often-listen-to-music.htm [Accessed on 22nd april 2015]

EconomyWatch.2013.he Economy of the UK, GB, British Isles. Available from: http://www.economywatch.com/world_economy/united-kingdom/ [Accessed on 22nd april 2015]

Gov.uk.2013. The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002. available from:http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2002/2013/introduction/made [Accessed on 22nd april 2015]