miXXerS… Social Network Linking DJs, Musicians & Party/Concert-Goers


Music lovers are rejecting the purchase of CDs in favor of streaming their favorite songs via platforms like Spotify or illegally downloading them. This has dealt a blow to not just the wider music industry but also the musician. On the other hand, concert sales and attendance at parties are still the norm, whether they are small or large. DJs are also still popular and their services are still valued at parties.

After a coming up with a few ideas in this meeting we finally decided on our project! We propose the creation of a social network site called ‘miXXerS’ which will connect concert and party goers with each other as well as DJs and musicians. It will be integrate with existing sites like SoundCloud, and MixCloud but also include third party integration of Twitter and Facebook. The site will facilitate the discovery and sharing of new music and information on parties. It will enable connection with others who may have similar tastes in music, concerts and parties. It will also help to put more revenue into the pockets of DJs, musicians, promoters and party organisers who can also use the site to promote such events and the music that is played there.


To connect music listeners, partygoers, musicians/DJs and party/concert producers on one site.

Tagline: Connecting all music and party and concert goers





Networx7 – Who are we?


We are a group of students from a variety of backgrounds within the department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, which includes Web Technology, Web Science, Software Engineering and Computer Science. We also come from many countries including the UK, China, Japan, Malaysia and Trinidad and Tobago. You can find out more about us and our interests here!