Meeting #3

Meeting Details

Date: 5 March 2014, 7 March 2014

Venue: Arlott Bar, Library Study Room.


◦ Najat Al Naamani.

◦ Eunwon Choi.

◦ Muhammad Faisal.

◦ Alexander R Owen.

◦ Jonathan Scott.


Key Points

◦ We discussed the user security aspects – The agile analysis and agile method are required for Micro-payment System.

◦ We need to perform a competitive analysis (SWOT analysis) such as Paypal, Square Cash from blog post #2

◦ We discussed how we indicate the process of completion: GANTT Chart, UML diagram.

◦ Currently, we use the name as Micro-payment System, but the name of Payment System has to be set properly.


Next Step

◦ Legal issues (Papers about bit coin / money laundry) : Najat

◦ Storyboard, usercases and personas: Faisal

◦ Engineering Aspect: Software Agile Analysis, Scrum: Eunwon

◦ Feedback from potential users: (we can use the project description and story board) : Whole Team Members



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