Customer protection is one of the big issues needs to be handle.
To ensure that guarantee satisfaction of requester and payer, we are using temporary account to hold the money.
Below is the process taken to ensure protection to payer of QuidLink.
1. A person who clicked on the link will be redirected to QuidLink Social Payment System.
2. Then the person will insert their account banking details.
3. QuidLink temporary account were used to accept payment from payer and paying money to the requester.
4. To ensure the protection of our customer, QuidLink temporary account will hold the money received from customer within 1 day.
5. 1 days is given as processing time, in case the payer has paid, but there’s sudden problem that affect the flow of money from his/her account into seller’s account.
6. Afterwards, the system will checked with the payer’s bank. If the payer has paid for item/services and the bank has marked the deal as done, the money will be transferred from QuidLink temporary account into the seller’s banking account.
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