This blog post were made to show some source code in the prototype for QuidLink Social Payment System.
Two things will be discussed, which were:-
1. Creating link for payment
The picture above taken from the prototype for QuidLink system. This code briefly tells how the requester create payment link. Basic details required to inform the payer, such as the title of item/services, description, the owner of account and amount to pay. At the same page, the requester can create multiple transaction, and links will be generated dynamically. By clicking the check-box, the requester also can set whether to send the link through text message or email. Facebook API also being implemented within the page, the requester can choose to share it on Facebook wall or send the link through private message.
2. Payment process
Payment processing is complex to be implement within any system. Based from time given, it’s not possible for us to implement it and make it functional with the prototype. Thus, we have searched similar code being used for payment system. The picture shows how the payment system should communicate and process the information that being given from the requester. Based from the code above, it provides ideas and guidance on how to process the data, the importance of security within the system and fees calculation. This example is crucial for QuidLink Social Payment System, but, some of the code can be skipped such as currency conversion, because QuidLink Social Payment System can only be used within United Kingdom.
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The prototype has been created for QuidLink, but not all functions can be used. Payment system requires great amount of security because it deals with money and banking details, plus, it require great amount of time to be developed.
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