In the kickoff meeting, members of the team introduced themselves to each other and started to discuss some ideas for the project. We agreed on the next meeting which will be after a week in the library. Then we agreed on creating a Facebook group since all members have Facebook accounts. Jessica created the group and sent the invitations. After few days, Alex started an idea thread where we all shared our ideas and placed votes on ideas we liked.
Suggestions were:
- Social media tool that exploits the unique affordances of brain computer interfaces (Tim)
- A social network for doctors and healthcare professionals (Alex)
- Community for Web developers and designers to share sites they have made (Alex)
- Lost and Found Social Network (Najat)
- Social network to help disabled people (Faisal Muhd)
- Social network for market research (Faisal Muhd)
- Social Network for Projects that needs to be done (Najat)
- A social payment processor like Paypal, but really basic to help selling things over social networks (Alex)
Those ideas will be discussed in details in the first meeting where will narrow the choices down.
Please comment with your real name using good manners.