The Gantt Chart 03

Gantt Chart03

60% of project has been completed, 18.04.2014

Tasks done

  • Related Academic Work
  • Mockups
  • Scenarios and Personas
  • UML Diagrams
  • System Specification

Tasks on progress

  • Interview with users
  • Code Snippets
  • Standards and Protocols
  • Implement Prototype
  • Privacy Policy


Online Survey- Ethical issue, access right to isurvey

We planned to do an online survey to get some feedback from our potential users, so we made an isurvey questionnaire on the university website. To proceed the online survey, we had to get an ethical approval from the Ethics committee of university. Thus, we requested for it and received the approval, but we did not get it on time that we expected, because it took so long time. Thus, we made an alternative plan. We researched other market strategy and found the UK national statistics to set our target market.

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