The use case diagram display 2 actor that will mainly feature in the system, which is the requester(or seller) and the payer. The requester(or seller) can login into the system, check transaction history, edit transaction, set transaction (set amount and number of transaction as well), and lastly to share links to social networking sites. The payer only limited to do 3 things, pay for transaction, check transaction history and edit payment details.
The second diagram is the sequence diagram, it shows the 2 interaction; 1) the interaction between requester(or seller) with the system, and 2) the interaction between payer(or buyer) with the system.
The next 2 diagrams is about flow-chart process for 2 actor; the requester(or seller) and the payer(buyer).
The diagram above explains each flow that the user need to do, and expected outcome for each success or failure in process. Similar to diagram above, flow for the requester(or seller) were explained below, with details on success/failure situation.
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