My notes on agile development method:
Agile is a software development method: which include SCRUM and XP (Extreme Programming)
- Product Owner: (Client)
- SCRUM Master (Project Manager) : Interact directly with Product Owner to get requirements and exact needs
- Team Lead (Most technical experienced person) : responsible of generating theĀ product backlogĀ which contain āuser storiesā which will lead to the creating of Personas.
āuser story is not a storyā it represent the tasks and needs of the personas which will be used the developers to implement those features for each persona.
The backlog will describe the product features + the scope of work and the priorities.
(Sprints) are the milestones according to the backlog
Sprint Burndown Chart or Product Burndown Chart
Sprint is the deadline which will have a demo at the end with the SCRUM Master and optionally the product owner
Sprint Backlog output of the demo as demo results (wrong features, extra features, bugs, and modification to bad things). this might include user acceptance test.
The output of the sprint backlog is used to modify theĀ product backlog.
Sprints are an iterative process till the product backlog is satisfied.
After the sprints, the documentation process start.
Then Maintenance and adding the required future extra features.
In QuidLink we identified user stories as follows:
“Money Requester”:
- need to login to create transaction.
- create one transaction to one person.
- create multiple equal transactions for different people.
- publish the link to Facebook.
- publish the link to Email Address
- publish the link as SMS.
- have the option of asking permission before payment processing.
- View transactions history.
- View transactions status.
- receive a notification of payment with the payer contact details.
- doesn’t need to login to pay the transaction amount.
- receive details about the money requester (contact details)
- receive a confirmation of payment
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