This is a copy of the live Twitter record (edited to remove duplicates and retweets) for the presentation:
Dave Tarrant, Connecting preservation planning and Plato with digital repository interfaces, iPres 2010, Vienna, Tuesday, September 21, 2010 (Day 2) Session 5a Preservation Planning and Evaluation (10:30-11:50)
See also the EPrints record for this presentation including the full paper on which this presentation is based and the slides.
“impressive piece of work – excellent talk too”
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz about to open the session with “Connecting preservation planning and Plato with digital repository interfaces”
mariekeguy #ipres2010 #5a @davetaz (David Tarrant) talking about Connecting preservation planning and Plato with digital repository interfaces
cardcc @timgollins well you won’t have time for tweeting if @davetaz sticks with his usual style! #Ipres2010 #5a
euanc #ipres2010: Session 5a- Preservation planning and evaluation starts. no tweets from @davetaz for the next while
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz – Biggest Challenge – using and controlling the plethora of tools 2 Retweets
mariekeguy #ipres2010 #5a Tarrant: Lots of repository tools out there but repository managers unsure how to use then, need workflow
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Bit preservation is the start, then Identification, Characterisation, …. Point is useability 2 Retweets
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz – gives tweet quote but I cat type fast enough !!
euanc #ipres2010 #5a @davetaz is telling us to tweet things 140 characters long and then not giving time to type them out, typical!
mariekeguy #ipres2010 #5a Tarrant: Need to lower the barriers to use of repository tools – make it fit 140 characters 😉
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Talking about e-prints – already at Torrent speed and speeding up 🙂
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Droid profile of a publication repository – thanks for the Plug Dave 🙂
mariekeguy Talks faster than me! RT @timgollins: #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Talking about e-prints – already at Torrent speed and speeding up 🙂 1 Retweet
euanc #ipres2010 #5a @davetaz speaking too fast for my slow brain this morning. impressed by @mariekeguy & @timgollins tweet speet
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz E-prints – already missed the point about Characterization using JHOVE through Plato
“Plato action plan XML read by Eprints for ‘action’.”
euanc #ipres2010 @davetaz : only get factual information in registries, not institutionally subjective information
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Now on Risk assessment – risk is local – do the risk analysis – central registries nly have global risk factors
euanc #ipres2010 we need a tool that identifies intellectual entities that are made up of multiple computer files via indicators to be defined
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz e-prints talking about sampling for characterization and then using Plato for Risk assessment 2 Retweets
euanc how do you test results of bulk migration? how do you confirm you have preserved whatever you were trying to preserve? #ipres2010
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz – talking about executable preservation action plans that use linked data registries to identify tools 1 Retweet
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Plato – executable action plan contains decisions taken in creating the plan – preserve the plan in the repository 2 Retweets
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Trust, authenticity – declare the plan used to migrate the objects – transparency/provenance delivers trust ! 2 Retweets
“Good to see KeepIt project enabling Repo managers to really use tools”
euanc #ipres2010 #5a @davetaz – quotes from KeepIT exemplars “Much more time-consuming and complicated” “less confident but now knw what it means” 1 Retweet
mariekeguy #ipres2010 #5a Tarrant: KeepIt examples – repository managers realise dig pres not just for the techies – also part of their role 1 Retweet
neilgrindley @davetaz talking about integrating preservation tools. Good to see KeepIt project enabling Repo managers to really use tools.#ipres2010 1 Retweet
mariekeguy #ipres2010 #5a KeepIt project 1 Retweet
timgollins #Ipres2010 #5a – @davetaz Presenting the e-prints users response – impressive piece of work – excellent talk too 🙂 2 Retweets
pjvangarderen #ipres2010 Tarrant: Plato action plan XML read by Eprints for ‘action’. Need to see if this will work for Archivematica. 2 Retweets
jisckeepit Thanks @timgollins @euanc @mariekeguy for excellent commentary and summary on @davetaz Plato and repositories #ipres2010 #5a
The short question and answer session that followed the presentation is summarised by the presenter, Dave Tarrant:
Q1: How did you organise the training courses in KeepIt and what materials did you use.
A1: We utilised connections with projects to invite key people to give presentations which were focused on repository managers, we collected the materials and these are available online (url tweeted, source materials). Ed. Or try course blogs, course presentations (Slideshare)
Q2: Is there any format you can’t handle?
A2: In EPrints, no, in the scope of the tools, yes, as the tools do not cover all formats. However in the case of eCrystals they have started this process by providing the identification of their files to PRONOM-DROID. You can then follow the workflow presented to look at extracting characteristics and feeding these to a tool or developing a new characterisation tool.
Q3: I notice in the paper you give the plan an ID (ID/41). Is this a persistent ID?
A3: Yes! An eprints persistent ID is assigned to almost everything in the system. I simply removed the first part of the URI to fit it in the 2-column format. EPrints provenance (which uses the Open Provenance Model, OPM) wouldn’t work without it.
So what can we divine from this? The presentation was fast and furious, in true Tarrant style, but thanks to the tweeters we can see the main points were mostly effectively conveyed and the story well received and complete. An amazing response.
lescarr Following #ipres2010 where @davetaz presents the EPrints/DROID/Plato integration so quickly that tweets are too long & cumbersome to keep up
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