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KeepIt course 2: institutional and lifecycle preservation costs

KeepIt course module 2, Southampton, 5 February 2010
Tools this module: KRDS, LIFE
Tags Find out more about: this module KeepIt course 2, the full KeepIt course
Presentations and tutorial exercises course 2 (source files)

Welcome to our time capsule version of the KeepIt course, which is posted, for completeness, some time after the course has ended and some time after the resources were posted freely for all to use. In these blogs we will try to add a little more context to these resources, perhaps to make them slightly more accessible from an intellectual viewpoint. This blog introduces course 2 on institutional and lifecycle preservation costs.

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Digital preservation aims to be perfect, at least, it’s not politic to admit to less, as long as theory remains more prevalent than practice. This can lead to idealisation, and idealised approaches being built into tools. But as we discovered in KeepIt course 1, constraints can be placed on idealised preservation by your institutional context.

One of the most obvious and critical constraints is cost. You can do little more or less than you are funded to do, preferably within the framework of institutional objectives and policy that includes preservation.

As an example of how preservation costs can escalate, see Rosenthal’s blog on a Petabyte for a Century (start here and work back to the original).

How can we estimate, plan and calculate the costs for preservation of a repository? As any accountant will tell you, there is more than one way to look at the figures, and you need a number of tools to hep you.

Later we will look at the LIFE model of costing the management of digital objects throughout their lifecycle. First we consider KRDS, an approach to institutional costings and budgets.

Tools this module: KRDS, LIFE

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