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Preserving arts repositories: exceedingly good slides

It’s an exciting possibility that arts repositories will not be the same as conventional institutional repositories. That will also bring new challenges in terms of managing data today and tomorrow, and it’s why Kultur is an important exemplar for the KeepIt project.

I discovered some of those challenges when I first met Jess Crilly and Andrew Gray, who manage the UAL Kultur repository. It was something of a fortunate coincidence that on the same day self-styled (and now ex-) repository rat Dorothea Salo offered a slide show on IRs for digital arts and humanities, from a data curation summer school.

[slideshare id=1466324&doc=digcurinst-key-090520141920-phpapp01]

I fully recommend Dorthea’s slideshow. It’s not just about arts and humanities, but many of the issues raised by Jess and Andrew chime with Dorothea’s points.

It’s also a good antidote to the digital preservation propaganda (scary, expensive) I warned about in my recent presentation at the project meeting. Dorothea is much more reasoned and practical.

So that makes the project easy, because now we know all about repository preservation. Actually, it’s a good starting point. At least we know what the problems are, but what do we do next? If the KeepIt repositories are to become true exemplars they have to show what needs to be done going forward. Ultimately all repositories will have to deal with and overcome slide 47. As Dorothea frequently says, good luck with that!

Don’t forget to see the comments on EPrints added to the original Slideshare version. EPrints is not as limited on formats and user interface as the presentation suggests, but most EPrints users will know that already.

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6 Responses

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  1. Steve Hitchcock says

    Soon after posting these slides Salo exited her guise as Caveat Lector blogger, to be reborn on The Book of Trogool presumably to bring new perspectives to the chosen topic of E-Research, Cyberinfrastructure, Data Curation. I mention this here because a recent entry in the new blog reveals the origin of one of the axiomatic slides (27) in this set: “On a walk around the block during this summer’s Arts and Humanities Data Curation Institute, I was (perhaps dubiously) inspired to create the image, patterned on Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs Irreplaceability is the reason I put data-acquisition issues at the bottom of the pyramid. If you ain’t got the data in your grimy little hands, none of the rest of the pyramid matters! Salo’s Pyramid, by-the-bye, is finding use elsewhere. No one is so surprised by this as I, since it was a spur-of-the-moment thing”

  2. metin2 pvp serverler says

    I fully recommend Dorthea’s slideshow. It’s not just about arts and humanities, but many of the issues raised by Jess and Andrew chime with Dorothea’s points.

  3. agario unblocked says

    Kultur repository. It was something of a fortunate coincidence that on the same day self-styled (and now ex-) repository rat Dorothea Salo offered

  4. agario says

    and humanities, but many of the issues raised by Jess and Andrew chime with Dorothea’s points.

    It’s also a good antidote to the digital preservation propaganda (scary, expensive) I warned

  5. agario says

    show what needs to be done going forward. Ultimately all repositories will have to deal with and overcome slide 47. As Dorothea frequently says, good luck with that! November 2010
    October 2010
    September 2010
    August 2010
    July 2010
    June 2010
    May 2010
    March 2010
    February 2010

  6. arabuloku says

    I fully recommend Dorthea’s slideshow. It’s not just about arts and humanities, but many of the issues raised by Jess and Andrew chime with Dorothea’s points.

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