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First project meeting: presentations

The first KeepIt project meeting for partners took place on 2 June and led with three presentations: to prompt discussion on why we should be wary of the big issues in digital preservation, on new tools to support repository preservation, and on the experience of one exemplar repository that has already investigated digital preservation.

First, project manager Steve Hitchcock on how to spot typical digital preservation propaganda.

[slideshare id=1598183&doc=hitchcock-firstpartnersmeetingv2-090617111943-phpapp01]

Dave Tarrant, the project developer, reprised a presentation on the project from the recent Open Repositories OR09 international conference in Atlanta. He describes how the KeepIt project is providing training, development and deployment in three key areas of digital preservation for repositories: storage, risk analysis and preservation action.

[slideshare id=1607722&doc=keepitor09-090619041223-phpapp02]

Not all repositories are new to digital preservation. Chemist Simon Coles has been working on research data repositories for many years, and describes the experience and challenges of data repository preservation, including planning, metadata and other issues affecting dissemination.

[slideshare id=1608282&doc=coles-keepit-kickoff-090619063135-phpapp02]

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2 Responses

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Continuing the Discussion

  1. Eating our own dogfood? - Diary of a Repository Preservation Project linked to this post on June 26, 2009

    […] embed function, to display in the blog. Of the four items embedded in the blog to date (3 slides e.g., 1 video), one is also in a repository, and the others we must assume were not considered formal […]

  2. Preserving arts repositories: exceedingly good slides - Diary of a Repository Preservation Project linked to this post on July 21, 2009

    […] also a good antidote to the digital preservation propaganda (scary, expensive) I warned about in my recent presentation at the project meeting. Dorothea is much more reasoned and […]

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