Debra pre-empted the results of this survey for EdShare appearing here, since she saw the draft and not unreasonably anticipated that I would post the final version here somewhat sooner. I am pleased to complete the record.
Entry in Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
Current status of repository
“Service in development”
Launched via JISC EdSpace project, to end March 2009. Ongoing institutional commitment a minimum of 12 months from end of project.
As well as KeepIt, EdShare is contributing to the following projects:
Educational core services anchored in learning and teaching processes.
Management structure and decision-making, reporting tree
Project director, management committee of senior university/learning and teaching staff
Project director has final decision
Repository manager, core technical support team
Policy (documentation, retention policy, takedown policy?)
Terms and conditions (pdf)
Takedown policy (pdf): “a service to sustain on-line resources”
Planning (formal planning approach?)
In development, as EdShare migrates to an element of the core business of the iSolutions group within the University.
Budget (contingency for preservation?)
‘Flexible’. Current funding routes include JISC, institutional and local sources
Infrastructure (institutional, network, etc.)
Institutional (departmental) systems support, backups, software patches
Tools, services and support (which v. EPrints?)
version: eprints-3.1.0
Internal EPrints support
Storage (current, strategy?)
Local server storage (400Gb available, 91 GB used)
Content profile – volume, types, formats, projections (content control?)
12/05/09 archive: 1310, inbox: 538, deletion: 0, eprint: 1848 document: 6972 (objects attached to eprints records)
Deposit only by members of the University of Southampton.
Future plans for the repository (any major changes planned?)
Carry on with EdShare.
Provide secure, long term storage for the learning and teaching resources of the institution currently located in Blackboard. Enable easy linking or embedding of these resources from EdShare to the VLE.
More EdShare-like services in other institutions: “to enable this service to be tested as a prototype for possible similar services elsewhere”
Growth projections (scaling up?)
Take in content from a Blackboard service (10k’s of objects)
- Significant size for a year-old project repository
- Likely to show a degree of content and format diversification in profile
- Clear management and direction
- Limited policy
- Unclear budget allocation and forward planning
- Step-change in content volume possible
- Not strongly founded for preservation decisions
Proposed actions
- Create file format and risk assessment profile
- Investigate storage options (required if Blackboard content to be ingested)
- Advice/training:
- policy development and its role in preservation
- costing for preservation
- significant properties
- Upgrade to (preservation-supported) EPrints v3.2 when available (by discussion and agreement of iSolutions, Project Management and technical support teams)
Thanks to Debra Morris for assistance in preparing this profile.
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