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The Intercultural Staff Café launch

The Intercultural Staff Café launch,   Wednesday 21 September, 2 pm – 4 pm in the Nuffield Kitchen

Some of you may have attended the International Staff Cafes run by Julie Reeves of ILIaD.  The aim of these was to help new international staff become familiar with working here. In collaboration with Julie, we’re opening these up to all staff – wherever they’re from, however long they’ve been here and whatever their role.  Our aim is to hold cafes across all our campuses, and our launch event takes place at Highfield, where we’ll talk more about our hopes for this initiative. We’ll also have two informal talks: one from Keith Johnstone, our new Director of International Relations and Development, who’ll share his experiences of working overseas, and one from Aline Giordano, our Doctoral College Manager who will share some personal experiences.  There will be plenty of time for discussion connection with colleagues. You don’t need to attend for the whole two hours, but we do need an idea of numbers (for tea, coffee and cake!) so please register by Friday 16 September through Eventbrite here:

Finally, alongside the above two events, we’re encouraging colleagues to join our network. If you don’t have time to create a profile, we can link to your existing staff profile.  You may want to add a line or two about your particular interest in this field.  Please contact us if you would like to be included on our network pages.

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