Author Archives: Caitlin Meredith

Intern Update- Getting Creative

Hi again from the ICS interns, Caitlin and Nancy!

This Monday marked the tangible beginnings of the ICS festival, when we delivered our primary ideas to the LLAS group, as well as to the interns from the Humanities department and the International Office. In addition to our ‘Ideas Boards’, interns from the Routes into Languages scheme, the Southampton Feedback Champions programme and the Ethnographic Encounters project also gave short presentations on their progress thus far. We also got to meet the Director and Deputy Director of LLAS and received lots of insightful feedback on our initial proposals for the project.

Bearing the team’s comments in mind, our main objective this week has been refining our ideas and structuring our week-to-week plan. For this task, we chose to get creative; we got out of the office, pulled out some A3 paper and scribbled down all our ideas in an array of colours. Those sessions culminated in a detailed calendar of tasks for the next two months, and although the festival may seem far away, we only have one full week left together, so there’s a lot to be working on!

Wish us luck!


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Intern Update- The Planning Stage

Hi everyone!

Here’s another weekly update from the ICS Interns, Nancy and Caitlin. It’s been a busy week, with lots of researching, planning and organising the first stages of the ICS festival. Our main focus this week has been gathering our best ideas for the festival like what events we could put on, creating a brand and how we can make a name for ourselves. All of these initial thoughts will be presented to the LLAS staff and interns on Monday morning, so we’re spending this afternoon getting the last bits ready!

Luckily, on Thursday we had a welcome break from work, when we met with all of the LLAS team and the other former and current students that are also interning in our department. It was great to finally get the whole group together and share information about each other’s projects. We’re really looking forward to hearing about their projects’ progress, and on Monday everyone will be joining us for our presentation to see how far we’ve got. Earlier this week we also met Maddy, last year’s ICS intern, who is now working as the Welcome Programme Assistant with the International Office. We discussed links that we could establish between ICS and the International Office, and we hope to involve the pre-sessional students that Maddy works with in our preparation for the festival.

Stay tuned for our next update on Friday 17th!

All the LLAS interns and staff

All the LLAS interns and staff

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