Scenario 1
Task: Create new account
Persona: Chris Jones
Chris is studying at home, then thought that was time for a break. He decides to create an account for the Hive social networking site to find friends with common interests, especially fishing and diving. At the beginning he enters some basic information such as his name and email address and then, when asked, he enters his interests (including fishing and diving). After finishing the process of creating a new account, he then searches (with the help of Hive’s “friend finder”) for some new friends that he could share his knowledge and discuss with them about their common interests. Chris is not used to online networks and “online friends”, but when his sister told him about Hive he was curious and started using it because he was hoping that he could find some friends with the same interests with him.
Scenario 2
Task: Find new friends
Persona: Elena Morales
Lately, Elena received some complaints about the variety of the food that she cooks. Her children said to her that they love Spanish food, but it would be nice once in a while to eat another kind of food like Chinese or Greek food. She has many books about such kinds of food but she doesn’t know which of them are good. While she is at home and waiting for her children, she decides to use Hive to find friends who like cooking so she can get some ideas. She goes to her home page, and using the tag system provided by Hive, she searches for other people who like cooking. She decided to use Hive instead of the books she has, because she is using this social network for her other interests also, like listening to music and drawing, and she now has a very good relationship with many people around the world and she thought that she would benefit more from Hive because of this.
Scenario 3
Task: Get recommendation from a group
Persona: John Taylor
John is sitting in the University’s café waiting for his last lecture of the week. Suddenly, a thought came to his mind. “What game should I buy?” he decides wither Modern Warfare 3 or battlefield 3. He wants a reliable opinion from other gamers to ensure that he will make the best choice. So, he sign’s in to Hive, where he has recently created an account, and goes straight to a group that he is a member of, named “first person shooter lovers”. Then, he publishes his dilemma to the group to get answers from other gamers that like this genre of game. John used to use a blog for first person shooter gamers to stay tuned into the latest news about these games and asked other people’s opinion, but when a friend suggested  Hive to him, he tried it and saw that there are many benefits to this social network. He now has a lot of friends on Hive who like his kind of games and he realized that he has more common interests with them and now that they know each other better, John trusts their opinions more.
Scenario 4
Task: Get recommendation from existing friends
Persona: Vincent Collins
One day, Vincent wants to buy a new lens for bird photos. Unfortunately, this requires long focus lenses and normally they are expensive. In order to invest his money wisely, he wants recommendations from other professional or trusted photographers. Luckily, having been an active user with Hive for a long time, he has built up good friendships with people who are also interested in photography. As a result, he simply posts a new post on his timeline. Since Hive allows comments on a post in the timeline, they can discuss this topic smoothly.