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Creativity workshops

  A whole lot of post it notes or a journey through the three thirds of your mind   Iā€™m not a scholar on creativity.Ā  However, whether Iā€™m in the lab or managing collaborations or learning a new music score, I use creativity every day to solve problems.Ā  Iā€™ve always done so and we all do it without thinking about it.Ā  There are loads of books on creativity and ways to harness our creative potentials so Iā€™m not going to discuss creativity. Continue reading →

The benefits of a student internship ā€“ from the point of view of a student intern

Naivety when entering university As an undergraduate, I thought that work ā€“ at least not before my third year ā€“ would be the farthest thing from my mind. Influenced by my childhood love for dinosaurs, my undying passion to be the next David Attenborough as well as a never ending curiosity with the mechanics of the human body, it was always clear that a BSc Biology degree was for me. Ā I had a wide range of interests and a passion to learn. Continue reading →

Social Media for impact and innovation?

It is easy to discard social media as another gimmick for big international companies to collect information about us or as a platform to promote insignificant exchange of information about our daily lives. Ā Ā The point has been made before, social media is a vast network and, yes, it promotes the dissemination of futile information, but it has something traditional media do not always offer: it is democratic ā€“ if you have access to the internet - and it is free. Continue reading →