Category Archives: Mockups and ideas

Application mock-up on mobile device

The user-interface & wireframe mock-up has been created and can be viewed here. This run through of the perspective interface was created using Fluid UI , This allowed us to quickly create and test elements of how the application will work from an end user perspective. Fluid UI also allows for testing across multiple devices from mobile to desktop.

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Filed under Mockups and ideas

Interface Hierarchy











The above image outlines the TrustPal application hierarchy and how it look like on a mobile phone. This hierarchy aims to give a high level insight into the screen mapping of the each screen within the application. The hierarchy above isn’t an exhaustive list of all possible features applications but is primarily aimed at focusing on the most important aspects.



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Filed under Mockups and ideas, Tech demos

Introducing TrustPal


Above is the first draft outlining the colour scheme, logo plus introduction of the project name: TrustPal.

We’ve chosen TrustPal as the name as it invokes strong meaning of the word Trust plus the meaning behind Pal (Friend). The TrustPal logo is the head of a smiling dog. We chose a dog as part of the logo as they’re a common companion pets and invoke a strong sense of friendship and loyalty.

This is just the first draft, as such all of the above is subject to change. The creation of this prototype allows for further discussion into issues surrounding brand, marketing & user experience.

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Filed under Mockups and ideas