Category Archives: Links to related news items in the tech media

Links to related news items in the tech media

This post will review some news related to the area of our suggested application (TrustPal).

Academic Advising:

It seems that online academic advising becomes the trend for number of universities. University of Colorado Boulder launched new academic advising service based on constituent relationship management (CRM) platform. The new system called MyCUHub. Students on the university will be able to login to the system though their normal accounts. In fact, the system will work only to facilitate number of tasks related to academic advising but not to provide instant communication (i.e. online chat) with advisors. [1]

Number of articles talks about the usage of social media in academic advising. Reyjunco [2] refused the idea of using technology as a replacement of face-to-face consultation. Whereas, he emphasis that technology can be of a great support in academic consultation arena. Reyjunco stated: “I’ve long theorized that social networking website use was not a “waste of time” (as many of my colleagues put it) but an important vehicle for student self-expression and connection.”


Future of Anonymous chat: [3] [4]

The most recent anonymous chat that most of the news talk about is Rooms, the new application from Facebook. Rooms lets users to create their own chat rooms without the need to reveal any of their data. “Users can have dialogue around basically anything they want”. The users can reach all of the application features without even linking Rooms application with their Facebook account. Facebook is aiming to compete with other anonymous chatting application like Secret and Whisper.

Some articles looks to the recent Facebook application as a “middle ground in the battle over anonymity on the internet.”:

“Released last week, the new Facebook app is a place where you can chat with other like-minded people about most anything, from the World Series to 18th century playwrights, and because you needn’t use your real name when joining one of its chat rooms, you have a freedom to express yourself that you wouldn’t have on, say, the main Facebook app.”



[1]        L. Meyer, “CU Boulder Launches Academic Advising Hub Online,” 2015. [Online]. Available:

[2]        Reyjunco, “Academic advising, social media, and student engagement,” 2010. [Online]. Available:

[3]        D. ALBA, “The Future of Anonymity on the Internet Is Facebook Rooms,” 2014. [Online]. Available:

[4]        Z. Blaszkiewicz, “Why Rooms is not the future of anonymous chat,” 2014. [Online]. Available:


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