Category Archives: Economic context

Social and Economic Context

Economic Context

This would be a charity based application, which would receive funding from donors, alumni, corporate partners, higher education institutions, and other grant providers.

Having volunteers work for the, generously giving up their time will allow any money raised to be stretched further.

Social Context


TrustPal provides a confidential listening, emotional support, information and supplies service, run by students for students at their university. Working to improve student mental health and wellbeing.


  • every student is able to talk about their feelings in a safe, anonymous, non-judgmental environment;
  • fewer students have their education while at Southampton University compromised by emotional difficulties;

Aims and Objectives:

  • deliver a consistent, high-quality service by developing Good Practice Guidelines
  •  effective recruitment, training and support of all volunteers
  • recruit and develop a diverse volunteer base which reflects the student population
  • seek expert advice to keep abreast of changes in the mental health sector and the law
  • actively engage with student union


For most students their time at university is a positive experience of learning and personal development accompanied by the excitement of new experiences, opportunities and friendships. For some however it can be characterised by periods of stress, anxiety, loneliness and depression. Due to their age, students can be particularly vulnerable to mental ill-health.

Rising fees, academic pressures and concerns about future employability can also impact on student mental wellbeing.

TrustPal operates 24/7 where as other welfare services are usually closed at certain points. TrustPal offer university students a safe and anonymous place to talk about their feelings and whatever’s on their mind or troubling them without fear of being judged or ridiculed.

In 2013 research with a representative sample found that 75% of UK students had experienced psychological distress whilst at university with a 1/3 explicitly recalling it occurring at night – a time when university welfare services are usually closed, but Trustpal would be available.

The research also found that students are more likely to access support from their family or another student than from university provided support such as counsellors and pastoral tutors.

By offering peer support to university students 24/7, meaning whenever they’re feeling most vulnerable they can access support, TrustPal provides a unique and intensely valuable service that can make a real difference to students.

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