Monthly Archives: May 2015

Blog Summary

The table below outlines the blog content and the category each post applies to:

Blog List Blog Posts
Analysis of existing similar tools Mental Health and Wellbeing Services at the University of Southampton

Summary of Available Commercial Applications

Anonymous Chat Applications

Related academic work Virtual Counselling


UK Universities Welfare Review

TrustPal – An important first-step

Related academic work – Technical

Is TrustPal a Social Network?

Links to related news items in the tech media Related news items within technology media
Scenarios and Personas Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Web maps and Storyboards Storyboard 1

Storyboard 2

Storyboard 3

Tech Demos Empowering TrustPal with Semantic Technologies

Technical Architecture

UML Diagrams Use Case Diagram and Description

Flow Diagram

Mock-ups and Ideas Introducing TrustPal

Application mock-up on mobile device

Interface Hierarchy

Overview of Standards and Protocols System Architecture

Overview of Standards & Protocols

Social / Ethical Considerations Social and Ethical Considerations
Economic Context Social and Economic Context
Overview of pitch to dragons den panel Overview of Dragons Den Pitch

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Filed under Blog Summary

Overview of Dragons Den Pitch

This post details an overview of the preparation for the Dragons Den pitch.

1) Preparation

We have discussed about our Dragon’s Den pitch. We have come to decisions regarding this pitch, as following:

  • We have decided that 3 members of the team will be responsible to deliver the pitch while the others will be involved in the Q&A session.
  • The selection of the presenter is a volunteer-based.
  • Further meetings will be scheduled to discuss the details of the pitch such as how to make it interactive and the expected questions that will be asked.

2) The Flow of the Pitch

The Dragon Pitch will begin with an introduction to the team members and project brief. It will be followed by the detailed discussion of the pitch and will be ended with Q&A session.


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Filed under Overview of pitch to dragons den panel

Application mock-up on mobile device

The user-interface & wireframe mock-up has been created and can be viewed here. This run through of the perspective interface was created using Fluid UI , This allowed us to quickly create and test elements of how the application will work from an end user perspective. Fluid UI also allows for testing across multiple devices from mobile to desktop.

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Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 22.33.21

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Filed under Mockups and ideas

Interface Hierarchy











The above image outlines the TrustPal application hierarchy and how it look like on a mobile phone. This hierarchy aims to give a high level insight into the screen mapping of the each screen within the application. The hierarchy above isn’t an exhaustive list of all possible features applications but is primarily aimed at focusing on the most important aspects.



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Filed under Mockups and ideas, Tech demos