Monthly Archives: April 2015

Anonymous Chat applications

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Anonymous chat Anonymous chat – the chat for easy communication.
Parlor Talk Anonymous & Meet New People

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Filed under Analysis of existing similar tools


As a term is used to describe the process of turning data into a form, which does not identify individuals. Used for dynamic social media to keep individual privacy.



  1.  Anonymizing Social Networks:  [Abstract] In this paper  presents a framework for assessing the privacy risk of sharing anonymized network data. This includes a model of adversary knowledge, for which consider several variants and make connections to known graph theoretical results. On several real-world social networks, show that simple anonymization techniques are inadequate, resulting in substantial breaches of privacy for even modestly informed proposed a novel anonymization technique based on perturbing the network and demonstrate empirically that it leads to substantial reduction of the privacy threat. also analyze the effect that anonymizing the network has on the utility of the data for social network analysis. Read more 
  2. A Brief Survey on Anonymization Techniques for Privacy Preserving Publishing of Social Network Data [Abstract] In this paper, present a brief yet systematic review of the existing anonymization techniques for privacy preserving publishing of social network data. identify the new challenges in privacy preserving publishing of social network data comparing to the extensively studied relational case, and examine the possible problem formulation in three important dimensions: privacy, background knowledge, and data utility. survey the existing anonymization methods for privacy preservation in two categories: clustering-based approaches and graph modification approach Read more


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