Scenarios and Personas


Scenario that describes the use of an anonymous chat based application for University of Southampton students, which would enable them to chat to mentors, councilors or other students when they have various issues or problems.


Jack is a University of Southampton student who is facing a depression after relationship break up.

Natalie is a mentor, working on University of Southampton Mentoring support department.

Layla is a University of Southampton student, who has experienced Jack’s problem before.


Any devices has an Internet connection and “TrustPal” Application.



  • Jack, Layla and Natalie (users) can login using their university ID.
  • Users identity will be hidden and they will use the system as anonymous.
  • Jack can search for keyword “depression” and the system will display all related public posts or support groups.
  • Jack can view and add comments to posts.
  • Jack can join support groups, which bring together student facing similar issue.
  • Jack can ask for virtual consulting and the system will assign the job to a mentor (Natalie).
  • Jack can send message to anonymous mentor (Natalie).
  • Natalie will receive message from anonymous student asking for help.
  • Natalie will provide student with helpful information such as: support groups, university services and NHS services.
  • Jack can also ask for online chatting with Natalie.
  • Natalie will response and start live chatting with Jack
  • After finishing consulting session, Jack can give feedback or rate the mentor.
  • Jack found an interesting post about his issue made by another anonymous student (Layla).
  • Jack can check Layla statues (online or offline).
  • If Layla online, Jack can ask for online chatting.
  • Layla can accept or refuse chatting request made by anonymous student (Jack).
  • Users can choose their status earthier online or offline.

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Filed under Scenarios and Personas

One Response to Scenarios and Personas

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