Staff profile – Ines Teresa-Palacio

Ines staff profile finalName and job title

 Inés Teresa-Palacio, Head of Strategic Marketing

How long have you been at the University?

I studied my MA in Transnational Studies at the University in 2006 and started working for the International Office in March 2007.

What has been your career progression at the University?

I worked in the International Office for five years as a Country Development Manager with responsibility for India, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Latin America and the international UK market. I moved to Communications and Marketing in February 2012 and spent 18 months as Senior Marketing Manager. Last August I took on an acting appointment to cover the role of Head of Strategic Marketing and have recently been confirmed in the position on a permanent basis.

What does your current job involve?

I lead on the University’s corporate marketing activities to meet our education, research and enterprise agendas. I manage the University’s marketing team, which consists of 30 marketing professionals embedded within the eight faculties, RIS and the arts venues. I also work very closely with the newly-established marketing team in the University of Southampton Malaysia Campus and am part of the Communications and Marketing Senior Management Team.

What are the main challenges you face in your role?

Marketing can play a strategic role within the Higher Education sector but there is often a misunderstanding about what marketing professionals should and can do. Within our University, we need to demonstrate how marketing can contribute to the success of the organisation. Competition is fierce within the sector and we must ensure that we keep up to date with the latest developments and trends in marketing and communications, and that we are able to act quickly ahead of our competitors.

What do you hope to achieve in your role that has not been done before?

I would like to build a better understanding between the marketing team and the different University areas to ensure that we proactively share knowledge and build a strong network of contacts with academic and Professional Services colleagues.

What do you enjoy about working at the University?

It is great to be able to work with different people from very diverse backgrounds and interests who are passionate about everything they do. I also love the contact with students, which reminds you of the transformational value of education. And last but not the least, the campus is beautiful, especially in the summer!

What do you like about working in Southampton?

Southampton has been my home since 2002 when I first arrived in the city as an Erasmus student. I keep very good memories of my student life here and I have seen how the city has been renovated in recent years. We are privileged to have the Common right outside the University, to be so close to the New Forest and nearby beaches, and London.

What do you do in your leisure time?

As a Spaniard, I love cooking and organising big gatherings with friends and family, and have adopted the British tradition of BBQs in the garden. I also enjoy long walks with our dog Lincoln, a Rhodesian Ridgeback that weighs more than me and loves releasing adrenaline in the Common! I go back to Spain to visit my family as often as possible and try to escape to the sunshine every opportunity I have.

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