We are connected

connectivity goes national.fw

Highfield Campus has been alive with Graduation over the last few days as we celebrate with over 4,000 of our newest graduates, their families, friends and supporters.

We are delighted to announce Council approved 40 academic promotions from among our existing staff community including 32 new professors. We can also reveal the names of the 11 individuals and six teams who are being recognised for their exceptional contributions through the 2014 Vice-Chancellor’s Awards.

While we have much to celebrate internally, externally we have been building our profile as a world-class University; we are distinctive due to our connections. As part of this, over the last three weeks we have aired our connectivity film in cinemas and on TV; over 110,000 people have viewed it online.

Finally, this month we acknowledge the announcement from our Vice-Chancellor, Don Nutbeam regarding his plans for retirement within the next two years and of Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt’s plans to take up a post as Principal of Jesus College, Oxford in 2015.

We look forward to raising a glass and celebrating all of our achievements at the 2014 Staff Party tomorrow afternoon.

Celebrate our connections

ConnectivityJoin us on Tuesday 1 July in the SUSU square from 12.00 – 14.00 to celebrate our connections. You do not require a ticket, just turn up on the day and you will receive a free connectivity cupcake, be able to watch our film on a giant screen and you can talk to the Communications and Marketing department to find out more about connectivity and how you can get connected!

We look forward to seeing you there!


Arts and events – June/July

internet-of-cars-190x188The internet of cars – Turner Sims, Monday 2 June, all day
This exhibition offers audiences and communities the potential to rethink how or what a future transport network might be. On show is a series of artworks developed specifically by artists who have worked with Sixth Sense Transport data both collected from the project in real time and in the past.



bniBatteries not included – Nuffield, 10 – 13 July
With a cast of four hundred dancers, this is a show that will capture your heart, and where friendships are cemented forever.


UOS_40 years_Medicine_Anniversary markCentenary Celebration Day for Geography at Southampton – 11 July
Global in its reach and collaborative in nature, geography at Southampton has over the last 100 years addressed some of world’s major challenges, including climate change, social and health inequalities, poverty and global recession – join the celebrations.

Campus Connections

staff party video.fwGet excited for this year’s staff party. Watch our highlights video from last year and register NOW for this year’s party on Friday 25 July.

Find out where our V-C is next week, who he is meeting and what he is doing.

Join a lunchtime panel discussion to quiz the University’s leadership team and find out what the University has in store for the future.

The first cohort of students from our Malaysian campus celebrate the end of term and prepare for their studies in Southampton.

Welcome to the latest edition of the University media digest which covers major media appearances during the month of May.

During that time, media appearances relating to the University created over 29 million opportunities to view and hear stories via print, broadcast and online outlets. The advertising equivalent value of these appearances in print and via commercial broadcast media reached £362,969.

Below is a selection of stories which reached national and international audiences:

Simon-Boxall-150x128Ocean comments

Oceanographer Dr Simon Boxall commented on the issues of searching at sea and ocean conditions for the search for the lost vessel Cheeki Rafiki to Sky News, BBC News Channel, BBC South Today, BBC Radio 2, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Solent, BBC Scotland, BBC Wales, a number of regional BBC radio stations and various news agencies for press.

Dr Boxall also continued to comment on the missing Malaysian plane MH370, providing updates for BBC Breakfast, South China Morning Post, CTV News Channel (US), CNN and NBC.


JUsing JeDI to search for jellyfish

The Daily Mail, Times of India, Daily Echo, Environmental Monitor, The Ecologist and various science websites reported on a new research project, led by Dr Cathy Lucas from Ocean and Earth Science, which maps the global jellyfish population.

Read our press release here.


Bone cells CTG on trab bone3D printed hip implant

Doctors and scientists from the University of Southampton and Southampton General Hospital completed their first ground breaking hip surgery with a 3D printed implant and bone stem cell graft. The story was widely covered by media outlets including Sky News, BBC South Today, The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, i-newspaper and the Engineer. The Sky News feature was also broadcast on CBS TV outlets throughout the United States.

                                           Read our press release here.


Head on Mosquito PortraitCombating malaria with mobiles

Geographer Dr Andy Tatem was interviewed on the BBC World Service programme Newsday about his research using mobile phone data to help track population movements and tackle the spread of malaria more effectively in Namibia. The story was also covered on National Public Radio outlets across the United States.



will mayPoetry on woman’s hour

Dr Will May from English was interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour about the life of poet Stevie Smith.



If you have a story, or are undertaking research that you think might be of interest to the press, please contact us on press@soton.ac.uk. You can also view a more comprehensive listing of the University’s latest media coverage at http://www.soton.ac.uk/mediacentre/news/in_the_news/current.shtml

Where’s Don? – w/c 30 June

On Monday, Don is meeting the new SUSU Sabbatical officers and signing the University/SUSU relationship agreement. In the afternoon he has a meeting with colleagues from the Science Park.

There is a UEG meeting on Tuesday morning, followed by an open meeting for staff to discuss the University Strategy. In the afternoon, he has a meeting with the Managing Director and R&D Head of Pall Europe.

The V-C attends the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Annual Conference in Birmingham on Wednesday. From August, Don will take over as Chairman of the HEA.

Thursday sees the meeting to select the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for 2014, which will be given out later in July. Later Don is attending the 84 Club, with the guest speaker Dr David Parker, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency.

On Friday, Don meets the President of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, President Asano, who is visiting the University of Southampton. Later, he is joining colleagues from within the University and around the world at a one day conference celebrating the work of Professor Freda Stevenson, who was recently awarded the “Jean Bernard Life Time Achievement Award 2014” from the European Haematology Association.

Malaysia campus celebrates student progress – next stop, UK!


Our second year Mechanical Engineering students at the University of Southampton Malaysia Campus joined academic and professional services staff for a formal dinner to mark and celebrate the end of timetabled activities on campus.  Following the summer break, the students will join us in Southampton as the very first group to progress to their third and fourth years in the UK after two years of study at the Malaysia Campus.

The poignant and emotional evening featured speeches from the Chief Executive of USMC, Professor John McBride, and the Head of Academic Affairs, Professor Neil Stephen, as well as a spoof award ceremony for the students, organised by academic colleagues.

Professor McBride commented that ‘he was extremely proud of the students and their achievements, but also of the education experience offered at USMC.’ He also expressed his gratitude to colleagues in Malaysia and the UK for their hard work and commitment.

Staff profile

staff profile - Bridget.fwName and Job Title

Bridget Wilkinson, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (FCIPD), Associates and Collaborations Manager, Centre for Innovation in Technologies and Education (CITE) and the Professional Development Unit (PDU).

How long have you been at the University

Six years. Appointed to my current role in August 2013.

What does your role at the University involve?

Working in partnership with colleagues across faculties and professional services, the purpose of my role is to facilitate collaborations and deliver projects that enhance learning within the University. This could either be with the focus on student learning, bringing innovation into the education experience or focusing on staff learning through professional development.

Having spent my career enabling colleagues to develop new skills and gain the knowledge and confidence to achieve things that initially they never thought possible, I believe that the University should be a place of learning for both students and staff. As an organisation we are committed to enhancing student learning by providing excellence and innovation in education. For me, of equal priority must be the personal and professional learning and development of staff, enabling us to excel in our current roles, be supported to achieve our career aspirations and deliver excellence.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on an overhaul of the appraisal process for Education, Research and Enterprise (ERE) staff. The findings of the last staff survey, and recent discussions with faculties, highlight that although we have pockets of excellent practice, there are huge inconsistencies in the value and use of the current Personal Performance and Development Review (PPDR) as a development tool. In some cases, the PPDR has been reduced to a negative tick box exercise lacking any discussion of the appraisee’s development. Indeed in some isolated areas it has become apparent that staff have not had a PPDR for years.

I have therefore been delighted to work, over the last six months, with ERE staff from all areas and levels to redesign the approach to Appraisal and develop a training suite for ERE staff, all of which will be launched at the start of the new academic year.

How will this benefit staff?

Commissioned by UEG as part of the Academic Reward project, the new approach signals a desire for a cultural shift, emphasising the need to look forward and enable the development of skills, knowledge and behaviours that will enhance the appraisee’s contribution, and where appropriate, support their readiness for promotion. It also introduces  the expectation that all ERE staff will make a contribution to the University community through leadership management or engagement activities. For me, if successful, this will be a real step towards building a staff community where the ongoing learning and development of ourselves and each other, as well as our students, becomes the norm.

How can individual staff members help bring about this change?

The success of the new approach will rely heavily on the quality of the individual appraisal discussions taking place and therefore the skill of appraisers to listen and lead a supportive conversation in which both parties feel able to be open and honest. So important are these skills, that UEG have decided to mandate a half day skills workshop for all appraisers, training which they undertook themselves on 10 June. If you are responsible for leading appraisal discussions, please reserve your place here.

The active participation of appraisees will also be crucial if a cultural shift is to be achieved. Briefings will therefore be held in the new academic year, setting out what you can now expect from your appraisal and how best to prepare. Dates and times will be announced in October 2014, please book yourself on.

To ensure that we are all up to speed on the new approach and such fundamentals as how to ensure fairness and consistency, all ERE staff, will be required to complete a brief introductory online learning unit launching in October 2014. I know that the requirement to complete online training is not always welcomed, however this is such an important subject that I would personally urge you to please take the time.

For more information on the training, please go to http://www.southampton.ac.uk/pdu/Academic%20Practice/Appraisal_Training.html

When does the training start?

All training will start in October 2014, however appraisers can reserve their space on the skills workshop now by visiting https://www.staffbook.soton.ac.uk/. At the moment the training is tailored to ERE staff, so will require revision before creating for other staff groups.

Why is it only for ERE staff?
The new approach has been tailored to meet the needs of ERE staff looking specifically at the areas of Education, Research, Enterprise and Leadership, Management and Engagement. A review of the PPDR process for support staff is planned.

What do you enjoy about your job?

Supporting others to learn and watching them fly!


Connecting for a world-class education

life lab video.fwThis week we are officially opening a new dedicated LifeLab facility which has been built at Southampton General Hospital.

SUSU are working with the Office of Development and Alumni Relations to launch a crowdfunding platform to enrich the student experience by making it easier for them to gain backing and funding for projects.

Find out more about the work of our Student Feedback Champions, established across all faculties to help improve our feedback mechanisms in direct response to student opinions expressed via the NSS.