Dr Victoria Korzeniowska is the Assistant Director (Quality and Standards) in Student Academic Administration. She is Head of Quality, Standards and Accreditation and leads the University in preparing for our Higher Education Review to be carried out by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). The QAA reviews Higher Education Institutions to ensure that their academic standards and quality meet UK expectations.
Why is it important for our University to undergo a QAA review?
Universities undergo review by QAA every six years. These reviews are extremely important as they provide a peer assessment of an institution’s quality and standards benchmarked against a set of nationally agreed expectations.
A successful outcome is important for the University’s reputation both within the UK and overseas, providing public reassurance to the sector, to potential and current students, to employers and to overseas partners.
What new initiatives have been introduced since the last review to improve the student experience at Southampton?
In recent years the University has introduced a wide range of initiatives aimed at enhancing the experience of its students. These include the introduction of a new Quality, Monitoring and Enhancement framework, the introduction of the Curriculum Innovation Programme and significant investment in the estate, facilities and resources.
What is involved in preparing for the 2014/2015 QAA review?
A lot of work by a large number of people!
The University has to put together a self evaluation document (SED) and supporting evidence and we will submit this to QAA on 10 November 2014. SUSU also has to prepare a corresponding student submission and supporting evidence which is also submitted on 10 November 2014.
In the SED we have to demonstrate how we meet each of the expectations in the QAA’s UK Quality Code for Higher Education and also address a chosen theme. The University has selected student involvement in quality assurance and quality enhancement as its theme.
As the University’s Facilitator for the review I have been liaising with QAA as well as project managing the review preparations.
We will be submitting several hundred pieces of evidence to support the SED and an evidence collection group is in the final stages of pulling these together with assistance from faculties and professional services. The final selection will be agreed in October.
Early in January 2015, we will learn which topics the review team want to discuss and also which staff will need to meet the review panel. The actual visit from QAA will take place during the week commencing 2 February 2015. The review team will meet with a range of students and staff to explore issues and also areas of good practice that they have identified in our submission.
What part can each member of staff play to help towards a successful QAA review?
All members of University staff play an important role in a successful QAA review. As I have said on many occasions, this is a ‘team sport’.
The review covers the whole of the student lifecycle from admissions to certification. The university’s policies, procedures and processes are therefore important but so is their systematic and effective implementation by all academic and professional services colleagues.
A number of staff will also be required to meet with the review team in February to discuss the areas identified by the QAA review team in January.
What will your role entail once our submission for QAA review is complete?
We can expect to receive requests for additional documentation during December so selection and co-ordination of this will have take priority over Christmas shopping!
We also need to ensure that staff who will be meeting QAA are fully briefed about the review and their role. This will be particularly important in January.
During the actual review visit, the SUSU representative and I will meet with the review team at the beginning and end of each day to take any requests for additional information or documentation and I will also sit in on all of the meetings except for the meetings with students.
How can staff find out more about our progress and results from the QAA review?
We have set up a SharePoint site which contains a range of information about the review and will carry regular updates. Take a look here: https://groupsite.soton.ac.uk/Administration/Higher-Education-Review-News/Pages/Home.aspx
We will also be updating colleagues through internal channels such as SUSSED, so please keep an eye out for this.