A successful engagement

The aim of the ‘Successful External Engagement’ lunches is to support and encourage researchers who are looking for opportunities to take their expertise beyond the academic community.  The lunches programme will provide a window on to various different spheres of external activity and the range of institutional support available.

You can find more detailed information about this year’s programme and the topics covered here.

The usual format is an opportunity for networking, followed by a presentation and discussion and then further networking if time permits.  The sessions are intended to be interactive and attendees are encouraged to participate and ask questions/share their experiences with the group.  The target audience is Early Career Researchers (postdocs) and Postgraduate Researchers, but staff are also welcome to come along.

The lunches take place approximately once a month from 13:00-14:00 in the Hartley Suite.

The programme is run by Research and Innovation Services (RIS) in collaboration with the Institute for Learning Innovation and Development (ILIaD) Professional Development Team.

To book a place please go to:

For PGR  registration – www.gradbook.soton.ac.uk

For Staff registration – www.staffbook.soton.ac.uk

The dates:

13 Feb 13:00 – 14:00 Successful External Engagement: Interdisciplinary Research and the USRGs. Jackie Milne Collaboration Manager Interdisciplinary Research

10 March 13:00 – 14:00 Successful External Engagement: The ICURe Programme. The ICURe Innovation-to-Commercialisation programme, piloted by the SETsquared Partnership and funded by InnovateUK and HEFCE, offers university researchers with commercially-promising ideas up to £50k to ‘get out of the lab’ and validate their ideas in the marketplace. Alan Scrase, Business Acceleration Centre Manager

19 March 13:00 – 14:00 Successful External Engagement: Secondments into Industry:  Opportunities and challenges;  a former secondee shares their experiences.

30 April 13:00 – 14:00 Successful External Engagement: Working with Aerospace:  Taking your research to new horizons. Ben Jones, Aerospace Collaboration Manager and Roger Gardner

19 May 13:00 – 14:00  Successful External Engagement: Health and Pharma: Working with the health and pharma industry. Brigitte Lavoie Collaboration Manager Health and Pharma

28 May 13:00 – 14:00 Successful External Engagement: Social Enterprise: Ever had a business idea (or would like one)? This seminar will provide you with an introduction to social entrepreneurship and why it’s good for you. Pathik Pathak Director, University Social Enterprise Network

2 June 13:00 – 14:00 Successful External Engagement: Intellectual Property in the Real World: Is your Research Protected?  An Introduction to Intellectual Property. Laura Keene IP Manager