Arts and events – August

Creating a virtual orchestra through their creative arrangements, performing from memory with swashbuckling virtuosity, heart-on-sleeve emotion and compelling stagecraft, Red Priest’s performance will include some of the most famous works of the Baroque period by Bach, Handel and Vivaldi.



saintsNuffield – Saints – 1 to 17 August
The Saints, written by Luke Barnes and directed by one of British theatre’s best directors Matthew Dunster, explores football in Southampton, the history of the club and how it’s shaped our understanding of ourselves in the city.



patrick-pound-small-worldJohn Hansard- The Small Infinite – 05 August – 20 September
The Small Infinite celebrates the strength and endurance of the minuscule. Rejecting the current trend for grandiose gestures, the show reflects upon a world where worth and value are often represented through the most disproportionate of terms.