Arts and events

raviTurner Sims – Ravi Coltrane Quartet – 13 March

Grammy-nominated saxophonist Ravi Coltrane, son of the legendary John Coltrane, has matured into an artist at the height of a career built on his talent, not his name. He has been praised for his music’s elusive beauty (Downbeat) and for his style informed by tradition but not encumbered by it (Philadelphia City Paper). Tonight he appears at Turner Sims with his talented quartet.


beetBeethovathon – Nine Symphonies In One Day – in aid of Comic Relief – 21 March

In 2009 Turner Sims hosted Haydathon, performances of all 104 of Haydn’s symphonies in a single weekend. Now, as part of our 40th anniversary year and in aid of Comic Relief, it’s Beethoven’s turn. With a hand-picked orchestra and choir on stage, experience all nine of Beethoven’s symphonies in one day in the order in which they were composed. Choose your favourites to enjoy, or undertake the marathon with us beginning at 11 and ending (with a few breaks) some 10 hours later.

unmdefilmJohn Hansard Gallery – Uriel Orlow: Unmade Film –  3 March – 25 April 2015

Unmade Film is an ambitious body of work by Uriel Orlow shown for the first time in its entirety in the UK. The work takes the form of an impossible film, fragmented into its constituent parts. An expansive collection of audio-visual works that point to the structure of a film but never fully become one, Unmade Film takes as its starting point the emblematic yet wholly invisible Palestinian village of Deir Yassin, formerly on the outskirts of Jerusalem.