Social Networks, Graph Theory & EventHive

This blog post will introduce you to the field of network theory and the study of social networks. It will explore some types of network characteristics and network theory techniques and discuss them in relation to social networks on EventHive. Because no network analysis has been performed, this blog post remains both speculative and descriptive. […]

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Trust and Trust Mechanims in EventHive

As the use of the Web increases and more people integrate Web-enabled technologies into their daily lives, the need to establish trust, and have computational and software-based mechanisms to do so, becomes increasingly important. In general terms, trust exists when people expect positive effect from another and accept the vulnerability included [1]. It primarily represents […]

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EventHive in Action #2 – Attendee User Stories

Jack has curated three storyboards that illustrate some further potential use scenarios of EventHive. The storyboards are from the perspective of the event attendee, as opposed to the event organiser, and attempt to highlight the breadth and dynamism of EventHive’s application. This entry is complimented by Zingming’s post, which discusses user scenarios from the event […]

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EventHive in Action #1 – Organiser User Stories

Zingming Zhao has written 3 short user stories based on potential experiences of using the EventHive platform. Zingming’s stories illustrate how EventHive might be used in ‘daily’ life from the perspective of the event organiser. This entry is complimented by Jack’s post, which illustrates user scenarios from the potential event attendee’s perspective. Jack’s post can […]

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The Buzz Count Algorithm & Popularity Metric

Algorithms and metrics are becoming an increasingly important way in which Web content is mediated to us. The development of algorithms is a lucrative endeavour and is also generating debating amongst the academic community[1]. Many well known Web applications, such as Google, Flickr, Facebook, Netflix and Amazon, use algorithms to identify relevant content. Flickr, for […]

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EventHive, Collective User Value & Network Effects

As a social networking service, EventHive primarily brings together two distinct groups, event attendees (or potential attendees) and event organisers. The types of events and event organisers that we unite with potential attendees range from local music venues to large sporting tournaments. In this way, EventHive represents a two-sided market, or two-sided network, and EventHive is […]

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Market Research – Interview with Potential Users #1

Qualitative market research is an important part of designing a new online social networking site. Before starting work on the design of EventHive, Yani interviewed several students who study at the University of Southampton. Yani conducted an unstructured group interview and aimed to explore potential users’ general attitudes towards event-based social networking sites. These students […]

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