Author Archive | Yani Xue

EventHive Privacy Policy

In Eventhive, we provide users with a series of functions based on GPS in order to find local events or friends. However, this might become a concern for users and form as  a barrier to new customers. Privacy is a concern for many of us and privacy to a person is “contextual” and “situated” depending […]

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Trust and Trust Mechanims in EventHive

As the use of the Web increases and more people integrate Web-enabled technologies into their daily lives, the need to establish trust, and have computational and software-based mechanisms to do so, becomes increasingly important. In general terms, trust exists when people expect positive effect from another and accept the vulnerability included [1]. It primarily represents […]

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Market Research – Interview with Potential Users #1

Qualitative market research is an important part of designing a new online social networking site. Before starting work on the design of EventHive, Yani interviewed several students who study at the University of Southampton. Yani conducted an unstructured group interview and aimed to explore potential users’ general attitudes towards event-based social networking sites. These students […]

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