Rolling Out EventHive

Rolling Out EventHive

Given the highly successful nature of many modern start-ups in an age of easily (and often freely) distributed content – you only need to perform a quick search on Twitter to discover the latest multi-million app in the making – we believe EventHive to be an initiative of vast potential to revolutionise the way the world connects around real-life events.

Moreover, we see it as one which, given its gamification (with the underlying “points” system) and potential to garner users envy-inducing discounts in naturally social settings (with the classic example being one person getting a discount at an event which their friend wants to get, and thus they sign up to the service), may hold great potential to be distributed highly effectively through word-of-mouth.

Nevertheless, its implementation and “roll out” must still be strategized in accordance with an overarching business plan, with the overall model adopted dependent on the results of financial acquisitions from start-up/’guardian angel’ investors (such as those of the Dragons’ Den) and any early commercial contracts established. Therefore, construction of the project must be phased to ensure sustainable business growth.

Assuming EventHive receives little funding initially, a sufficiently flexible development model, for example one based on Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodologies, seems most appropriate, as it will allow relatively risk-free introduction of features (as versions of the social network can simply be rolled back to earlier iterations if poorly received) as well as more end-user involvement, critical if commercial contracts with event organisers are to form the pinnacle of the business model. [1] An adapted spiral model therefore seems apt, based on iterations which feature heavier-than-normal black box, integration and user acceptance testing than usual to ensure bugs are not common features of commercial releases.

Such a model is in accordance with those used in quality assurance by huge networks such as Facebook [2], and represents a base which will witness an exponential release in number of quality-tested features as the company grows. This is where the functionality of features must be phased in: beginning with a core platform which features event pages (through the “event hive”) and gamification (points), the two core ‘hook’ features, and eventually going on to add the event feed, profile features, network integration and greater variety of application of discounts as the number of contractual commercial links grows with the service, ultimately developing into an all-round service.

A proposed high-level “roll out” schedule is as follows:

Proposed Implementation Phase



Week 0 – Q1 (Month 3)

Core Functionality

Database instantiated and initialised, along with supporting hardware and event page and user profile data structures. Basic functionality established within the ‘Event Hive’ (allowing people to list and filter through events based on location/people going/recommended/sponsored events). Internal office alpha testing.

Q1 – Q2 (Month 6)

Early Commercialisation

Sponsored events begin to be instantiated, including analytics features. Commercial contracts established with primary event suppliers based on an advertisement model. Alpha releases and full release within selected markets (North American and United Kingdom).

Q2 – Q3 (Month 9)


Implementation of points economy, with careful initial controls phasing in trading models and counteracting any spikes. Discounts implemented and heavily publicised as a hook for potential users of the app. High-reputation commercial events (e.g. Glastonbury Festival, FIFA World Cup, Edinburgh Festival Fringe) targeted due to number of companies competing for attention. Selected international releases (e.g. Europe).

Q3 – Q4 (Month 12)

Development of Event Attendance Strategy

With commercial contracts and incentives in place for both the platform and users, the long-term strategy of EventHive shifts into driving event attendance, manifested in the Event Feed device. Continuation of discounts and points schemes furthered, including integration with content sharing on other social networks and checks of event attendance using GPS. Further potential expansions investigated and, if feasible, enacted, with multiple offices in multiple sites.

Q4 onwards

Functionality Rounded

With the platform established as a major player within social networks, and core functionality and hook features implemented, future ways to innovate and continually renovate yet improve the service will continue to be investigated in a manner similar to other networks. This will include features such as better searching for events, improved event recommendation algorithms, refinements in user interfaces, and more personalisable event calendars (for example, potential integration with real-world calendars like iCals). Advertising and commercial campaigns will have attained their maximum momentum, and will continue to be expanded across a plethora of areas (for example in collaboration with refreshment companies, sportswear and gaming platforms, playing on the social aspects of all three).


Utilising this strategy, it is evident that, should the investment be yielding little return or results of implementation not be impressive, investors will be able to withhold their funding of future capital funding at any point if they feel steps being taken are ineffective, ensuring that for them, the rolling out of EventHive is seen as a relatively risk-free investment. Momentum will therefore form a critical point of expansion for EventHive: it must always be seen to be in new places, serving new clients, and publicised through other social media channels, with the ultimate goal of celebrity endorsements and high-profile partnerships to embed it firmly in the everyday lives of users.

From a technical perspective, development would also have to be phased accordingly, with suitable Linux-running hosting on a standard Apache web server for PHP development in keeping with modern social networking practices. [3] A personal recommendation would be a server clustered set-up, with static content (such as images) referenced by a first server, and, as the service grows, a gradual shift towards a central use of a RAID 10 data storage structure as below:


A RAID 10 set-up – from [4] – multiple copies of each data item are kept and data overall partitioned as per RAID 0.

Host power will be scaled accordingly with the implementation of features and resulting broadening of the user base, with the eventual goal of possessing numerous dedicated servers worldwide, and with frequent backing-up schedules in place to minimise the potential consequences of any system crashes.

Overall, through considered expansion of services in line with expected feedback from users, we believe that a sustainable developmental and supporting technological model can be constructed from small levels of venture capital. By promoting sustainable business growth practices in this manner, EventHive promises to be a social network with vast potential to make a mark in the event-based world.






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