Business Proposal

For the past few years, new social networks have emerged on the Internet. One particular characteristic of these online social networks is that they are based on a particular area. For instance, there is Instagram, a social network that was initially created for photo sharing, and there is also Vimeo, a video-sharing social network, which lets users play and upload short videos. Some of these social networks have had an important and significant impact on people, and others have not succeeded at all.

One particular area that is highly ameliorable is the event area. Event-based social networks, aka EBSN, include both online and offline interactions between users. There are several ESBN on the Internet, but they tend to focus on one specific type of event. For example, there are EBSN for professional events, sports events, music events, etc. However, there does not exist an EBSN that covers all types of events.

Implementing an EBSN that includes all kind of event will fill the gap in this market, and it will also make users be interested in it. People will be able to find information of any type of events in one social network rather than using different ones. This new EBSN will be called EventHive.

Nevertheless, covering all types of events will not be enough to standout against the competition. Therefore, EventHive will have three characteristics that will make it unique of its kind. Firstly, it will have a remarkable recommendation system, which will suggest the most suitable events to a particular user based on a number of variables. Secondly, EventHive will be based on a point system, in which users will be able to earn points and exchange them for promotions and other rewards. This will work as an incentive to encourage users to use the social network. Lastly, EventHive will make use of a location system so it can track the position of its users for statistical analysis.

In addition, EventHive represents a potentially profitable business. Since this social network will hold a vast number of users, many companies will find this a great opportunity to advertise their products or events. Hence, EventHive will implement a freemium business model with two types of users: Attendees and Event Organizers. Attendees will be allowed to use the social network for free, while event organizers will have to pay a monthly/annual fee. In return, event organizers will be provided with advertisement and data related to users behaviour.

In summary, EventHive aims to become a very important social network that will have a significant impact on people. With its revolutionary features, EventHive will make the process of finding events a fun experience and also a very profitable business.

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