EventHive’s Point System


Fundamental to the EventHive experience is its event point system. EventHive reward users for attending events and using our platform. Users are encouraged and motivated to continue using our service and attending because there is a possibility of earning pointsĀ thatĀ can be exchanged for rewards. TheĀ concept andĀ motivation behind our point system will be explained by Jack in this blog postĀ and the types of activities and rewards that can be gained using the EventHive service will also be laid out.

The Concept and Motivation

The motivation behind EventHiveā€™s point system is to ā€˜gamifyā€™ the EventHive experience and add a playful elementĀ to our platform. We want to incentivise people to continue using our application and share event experiences. Points are used to incentive activities such as EventHive registration, event attendance, and content generation. In turn, users are able to exchange their points for rewards, such as at-event discounts, priority ticket access and in-app purchases. A competitive element is introduced into our points system, with milestone rewards and friend leaderboards.

At the sameĀ time, our points systems adds value to the event organiser. The points systemā€™s function is to drive attendance at events, which benefits the organiser. In particular, our points system rewards activities such as bringing friends along to events, which should increase the number of tickets sold.

EventHiveā€™s point system also servesĀ as on outlet to share special promotions and reward customer loyalty. The points reward system is also open to related third parties, meaning nearby restaurants or retailers can submit coupons which can be exchanged for points. This means that the value of EventHive spreads beyond just the event organiser, and has an almost ‘trickle-down’ effect

Points System

Point-Generating Activities

The below table identifies some typical user activities that would generate points. As you can see, these activities centre around incentivising application uptake, event attendance, and application usage. TheĀ amount of points earned is presented as a scale, ranging from low to high. In the final row,Ā ā€˜proportionateā€™ means more points will be given based on the level of the milestone.


Point-Exchangeable Rewards

This second table proposes some possible rewards that can be exchanged for points. The ability to exchange points for rewards adds considerable value to the user, further incentivising application usage. Again, theĀ points are presented in scale ranging from low to high. The term ā€˜subject to negationā€™ means that the precise cost and nature of the reward would need to be negotiated with the event organiser.



In combination, EventHive has a points system that bothĀ incentives the user to use our application to attend and share experiences of live eventsĀ and rewards app loyalty with meaningful rewards. The accumulation of points attempts to ā€˜gameifyā€™ the EventHive experience, encouraging users to compete with their friends to accumulate pointsĀ through attending events. EventHiveā€™s point system is one of the platforms underlying key features that sets EventHive out from its competition, making it an innovative event-based social networking service.

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