Welcome to EventHive!


Welcome to Group 11’s COMP 6217 project portfolio blog. In this post, we would like to introduce to you our exciting new social networking business venture, EventHive, and introduce you to the team behind it…

The Proposal

EventHive recognises that live events and experiences, whether they be major sporting events, conferences, or music festivals are profoundly social experiences. For many of us, live events are memorable moments that we wish to cherish for ourselves and share with others. EventHive is an innovative new social networking site that enables you to share your experiences of live events and connect with people who experienced that event alongside you.

The Team

Jack Webster

I studied Music at undergraduate level and I’m now an iPhD Web Science student. I’m a musician in my spare time and I have experience working in the events/arts sector. I interned at the Cheltenham Jazz Festival, Groundlings Theatre, Portsmouth, and I co-founded an ongoing music concert series at the University of Southampton.

Rafael Zujur

I am a computer engineer from Venezuela who specialises in the software engineering field.  I enjoy dealing with any challenge that is concerned with software production, such as requirement analysis, design, construction or testing.  In relation to my personal interests, I am fond of music, sports, movies, video games and food.

Yingming Zhao

I am Yingming Zhao studying Software Engineering (MSc) program. I worked for many years on requirement analysis, software development, and design. I am interested in design and web mining related domains. I enjoy going to the gym and playing badminton.

Robin Johnson

Hi, I’m Robin, a fourth and final year Software Engineer who probably spends too much time socially networking to begin with! I have a strong passion for the arts and similar events, in particular all that goes on in and around the theatre, and as a result have a burgeoning creative streak to satisfy. I love all things business project-based, from designing to marketing and even leading presentations, so I’m immensely looking forward to working with this great team to develop EventHive.

Yani Xue

I am doing an MSc Web Technology degree. I enjoy studying in this field and I like exploring security issues, E-business strategies, data analysing, and social networks. In my daily life, I prefer travelling, listening to music and watching movies.

Tan Tan

I am Tan Tan. I study MSc Computer Information Technology in Organisations. I am good at system analysis, design (UML, database and interface) and testing. My personal interests are travelling, swimming and badminton.


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