Posts Tagged social networking

Storyboard 2 – Jokha

This storyboard illustrates how you don’t need to create an account with Koh.Tu.Me in order to receive event invitations.




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StoryBoard – Jokha

This storyboard depicts a scenario of someone using our social networking app.

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London & Southampton Scenarios – Someah & Sami

Koh.Tu.Me is a Social Networking Application that is centered around bringing people together for events. It provides travel suggestions for the users so that they can travel to events with other event attendees. This blog gives examples of user scenarios of Koh.Tu.Me using the cities of London and Southampton.

London Scenario (Pleasure)

Sara has been invited to her friends wedding in the centre of London, she received the invitation from Koh.Tu.Me. She is unfamiliar with the application intricacies, but knows that it helps organise travel to events. Her main priority is to locate the cheapest public transport route she can. She puts in her home location, and the event details already contain the wedding destination, and Koh.Tu.Me shows her different transport options including:

  • Underground train
  • Bus
  • Train
  • Taxi

Koh.Tu.Me presents the times and prices of the different transport options, and a taxi number to call to receive a quote. Sarah decides to travel by bus as that is the cheapest option. Koh.Tu.Me then details her with which other event attendees will also be using that bus route so they can travel together.

Southampton Scenario (Business)

Paul lives in Winchester, and has just accepted a job working for a large company near Southampton Central Station. He has been invited to a corporate welcome event by his company using Koh.Tu.Me but naturally being new he doesn’t know anyone else working for this company, or even the best way to travel to it. He was chatting with his friends about the event, and the following conversation ensued:

Paul: “it would be really useful if I could find someone else to go to the event with me”.

Paul’s friend: “Have you seen that on Koh.Tu.Me, it provides a travel organisation service! You can choose your preferred travel option, and it will highlight which of the event attendees are also using that option so that you can travel together if you wish.

Paul says: “Oh really!! I will definitely have a look at that!”.

Paul looked at different public transport options on Koh.Tu.Me and given his company’s proximity to Southampton Central Station, and his own proximity to Winchester station it seemed like the train would be his best option. He then was shown that two other men going to the event were also going to take the train from Winchester station. All three men then met at Winchester station and bought a group travel ticket, thus enabling them to all save money, and find new travel companions for work. 

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Branding – Sami

This post will detail the name and branding for our application.

We wanted to go for a simple catchy name, that wasn’t too difficult to say and that ideally had a meaning behind it. Thus we decided that our social networking application would be called Kohtume, which is estonian for “meet me at the” [1]. It also sounds a bit like “go to me”.

The main logo will look like this:

Screenshot 2014-03-27 18.38.00

The logo icon will look like this:


These were chosen because we wanted the logo to be simple and illustrate our name, and based on Facebook and twitters branding, simple text based logos seem to be the fashion for social networks. We chose a bright purple to reflect “fun” [2] as that is a main purpose of our application.

This branding and colour scheme will be used in our mockups to illustrate how our application will look.

Additionally the domain is available [3], as we wanted to pick a name that had an available domain so our application would be easily searchable on the Web, and wouldn’t be confused with any other applications under the same name.


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Pleasure Use Case Scenarios & UML – Sami

This blog post will detail the Use Case Scenarios and UML diagrams for pleasure events.
NB: If you click on the images then they will direct you to a bigger version of that image. 

This is the Use Case Scenario and matching UML diagram for a party-esque event: 

Use Case Scenario

Use Case Section


Use Case Name

Organise Parties Event

Primary Actor

Party Attendee


Party Attendee wants to get to the party.
Party Organiser wants their friends to get to their party.


The Party must exist and the attendee must know where/when it is.

Success Guarantee


Main Success Scenario





Extensions (Other Scenarios of Success or Failure)

The Party Attendee arrives at the correct Location at the correct time.

  1. The Party Attendee has been invited to attend a Party.
  2. They know that other friends of theirs (and the host) will be going
  3. However, they aren’t sure about the best way to travel to the party.
  4. They put their travel preferences into the event reply and our travel algorithm organises suggestions for group travel and sharing of a taxi to the Party location.


  1. The social network also suggests options for group travel home for those who live in the local area.

 UML Diagram
Screenshot 2014-04-09 14.59.22

This is the Use Case Scenario and matching UML diagram for a festival:

Use Case Scenario

Use Case Name

Organise Festivals

Primary Actor

Festivals Attendee


Festivals Attendee wants to get to the Festival’s location.
Festival Organiser wants their friends to get to the Festival’s location.


The place must exist and the attendee must know where/when it is.

Success Guarantee


Main Success Scenario






Extensions (Other Scenarios of Success or Failure)

The Festivals Attendee arrives at the correct place at the correct time.

  1. The Festivals Attendee wants to a festival.
  2. They know that others of their friends will want to go although some of them aren’t on social networks.
  3. They create an event on our social network and invite their friends, and the ones who aren’t on social networks are invited via their email addresses.
  4. These people are still able to view the event and say whether they are going or not and input their travel preferences.


  1. The Festival Attendees wants to know what sort of
    clothes to pack.
  2. The app offers them weather forecast information
    so they can make the best decisions.

UML Diagram
Screenshot 2014-04-09 15.07.54

Family Events
This is the Use Case Scenario and matching UML diagram for a family event: 

Use Case Scenario

Use Case Name

Organise Family Events (Wedding)

Primary Actor

Family Event Attendee


Family Event Attendee wants to get to the family event.
Family Event organiser wants their family to get to their event.


The event place must exist and the attendee must know where/when it is.

Success Guarantee


Main Success Scenario





Extensions (Other Scenarios of Success or Failure)

The Family Event Attendee arrives at the correct place at the correct time.

  1. The Family Event Attendee has been invited to attend a Family event in another country.
  2. They know that some of their other relatives from their country will be going.
  3. Everyone from their country opts to fly to the event, our application provides them with synchronised travel plans such that they will all arrive at the airport in time to get the same flight.


  1. The Family Event Attendee wants to know what the weather will be like in a different country.
  2. The app offers them weather forecast information so they know what clothes to pack for both the main event and other activities they may want to indulge in whilst they are out there.

UML Diagram

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Business Use Case Scenarios & UML – Sami

This blog post will detail the Use Case Scenarios and UML diagrams for pleasure events.
NB: If you click on the images then they will direct you to a bigger version of that image. 

This is the Use Case Scenario and matching UML diagram for a Conference: 

Use Case Scenario

Use Case Section


Use Case Name

Organise Conference Event

Primary Actor

Conference Attendee


Conference Attendee wants to get to the Conference.

Conference Organiser wants the attendee’s to get to the Conference.


The Conference must exist and the attendee must know where/when it is.

Success Guarantee


Main Success Scenario










Extensions (Other Scenarios of Success or Failure)

The Conference Attendee arrives at the correct Conference at the correct time.

  1. The Conference Attendee wants to / has been invited to attend a Conference.

  2. They know that others of their friends will either be going or might want to go.

  3. They create an event on our social network and invite the relevant people.

  4. A group of people agree to go from various different locations.

  5. They put their travel preferences into the event reply and our travel algorithm organises suggestions for group flights and sharing of a taxi to the conference location. It also suggests how multiple groups of people can share travel to the airport.


  1. The Conference Attendee wants to plan events for his/her guest

  2. The app offers them suggestions of activities plus uses the weather forecast to predict inside/outside activities

 UML Diagram

Screenshot 2014-04-09 15.49.23


Business Day Event
This is the Use Case Scenario and matching UML diagram for a Business Day Event:

Use Case Scenario

Use Case Name

Organise Business Day Event

Primary Actor

Business Event Attendee


Business Event Attendee wants to get to the business event on time.

Business Event Organiser wants the attendees to get to the business event on time.


The Business Event must exist and the attendee must know where/when it is.

Success Guarantee


Main Success Scenario











Extensions (Other Scenarios of Success or Failure)

The Business Event Attendee arrives at the correct event place at the correct time.

  1. The Business Event Attendee has been invited to attend the event on our social network.

  2. They know that others of their Business friends will either be going or might want to go, although they are new to the business and therefore are unsure of where their colleagues live.

  3. A group of people agree to go from various different locations.

  4. The Business Event Attendee puts in “walking” as their travel preference as they live near the event location.

  5. Our travel algorithm suggests that our Business Event Attendee walks with 3 of their other colleagues that all live in the near vicinity.


  1. The Business Event Attendee wants to know whether or not to walk based on the weather. Our application tells them that there will not be rain at the time they would walk to the event.
  2. Our application however tells the Business Event Attendee that there will be rain by the time they head home, therefore they are able to share a taxi with the people they walked to the event with.

UML Diagram


Academic Event
This is the Use Case Scenario and matching UML diagram for an Academic Event:

Use Case Scenario

Use Case Name

Organise Academic Event

Primary Actor

Academic Event Attendees


Academic Event Attendees want to get to the event location.

Academic Event Organiser wants the attendees to get to the event location.


The event must exist and the attendees must know where/when it is.

Success Guarantee


Main Success Scenario

The Attendee arrives at the correct place at the correct time.

  1. An entire Web Science cohort has been invited to an Academic event.

  2. The event occurs after a lecture so everyone will be leaving from Campus and they want to find out the cheapest way for them all to get there together.

  3. Our application provides suggestions for cheap coach offers and group train travel.

  4. The cohort select train travel and our application suggests the best options for combined bus and train travel, taking information from the site for bus times and locations.

UML Diagram
Screenshot 2014-04-09 16.00.42

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Application Refined Version 3.0 – Sami

Event Features

The results from our business and pleasure event analysis showed that the most common features that would be useful to both business and pleasure events were:

  • group travel
  • multiple travel organisation (aka train then taxi)
  • weather forecast information

These therefore are the main features that will be offered in the first version of our application. Future features will include:

  • local area info
  • accomodation
  • venue booking

Login Features

In the interest of breaking down the barriers between different social networks, this application will allow logging in/signing up, in multiple different ways. In the initial version of our application login will be facilitated through:

  • Login with Facebook [1]
  • Login with Google Plus [2]
  • Login with Twitter [3]
  • Sign up to our site and create an account to login with

This means that if someone has a social networking account with any of those platforms they can still login to our application without having to create a new account.

Additionally guests can be invited to events who don’t have an account by their email address, and they will receive a link to view the event at.

In the same vein as our advertising features, this social networking app is about providing a service, and is less about collecting lots of data about the users. FOAF [4] could be used to facilitate working out who knows who for each event to  make the travel planning easier, and an Address book importer [5] could be used to extract an event planners contacts to make the invite process easier.



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Business Model – Jokha & Sami

There are many ways that our social networking application could be used to generate revenue. Advertising is an obvious revenue stream, although it is important that whatever advertising is added to our application (even for the purposes of a ‘freemium’ esque model) is relevant to the app itself. Relevant advertising could include travel and accommodation, and information about local stores and points of interest in the area the event is taking place.

Some people would be prepared to pay for better advice, particularly if they are attending an event abroad e.g Italy. Our app could provide our users with advice about Italian hotels, Guide offices, prices for visiting points of interest such as the Vatican and much much more [1]. Moreover, our app could also detail people with the weather forecast information for the event, in addition to useful transportation information and pricing.

Targeted Advertising
Advertising could also be targeted based on the type of event a user is going to. For example if they are going to a meal with friends, and they have set their start location as their home address, perhaps our application could provide offers on restaurants in their area [2]. The beauty of this type of targeted advertising is that it wouldn’t revolve around storing and repurposing the users information, it would purely be based on the current event that is being organised. This could work for all the varieties of events that our application offers (e.g business and pleasure).

Promotion Advertising
In addition to getting people to pay for general advertising on our application (which would be distributed to the relevant audiences) specific travel companies could also pay to be promoted within our application. For instance specific taxi companies could pay to have their taxi number promoted for all people in that area wanting to travel by taxi.

Booking Referrals/Extras
Companies might also pay for booking referrals, for instance if a taxi was booked through our app.
In the same vein as “in game purchases” our application could offer extras such as upgrades to first class travel where we would receive a certain payment for facilitating this purchase.

No Advertising App
There are some people who won’t want advertising in their app however relevant it might be. For those people we could offer a “pay for” app that doesn’t have advertising. That way we could collect purchase revenue for each person who wanted that kind of app.

An essential step towards commercialising our application is to promote it. This could also be done via the use of social networks, for instance it could be advertised on Facebook or a blog could be produced illustrating how it works with a video [3]. In addition it is important to advertise this to people who don’t use social networks as well, so that they can understand how they may use the application without having to sign up for it. This could be done through TV or magazine advertising.


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Pleasure Events – Sami

This post contains information about the type of pleasure events that our social network could support.


  • A gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socialising, conversation, or recreational activities.


  • Birthday party: celebrating the birthday of a specific person.
  • Graduation party:  celebrating somebody’s graduation from university (or college).
  • Dinner party: a gathering where everybody gets together at one person’s house and that person traditionally cooks for them.


  • If it’s not a local party then multiple travel options may need to be coordinated such as train and taxi if the location isn’t close to a station.
  • If it is local taxis or walking or busses could be coordinated in groups.


  • Party in the same place – no accommodation needed
  • Party in different city where you can return that day- no accommodation needed
  • Party far away where it would be difficult to return the same day – accommodation needed


  • These come with venues included such as restaurants and pubs or the hosts home.

Local Area Info

  • Might want suggestions of places to meet other friends in this city .
  • Might need shops options for buying gifts or flowers.

Weather Forecast

  • Possibly less needed here as most parties involve staying inside but people planning to walk may want this information.



  • A concert is a live performance (typically of music) in front of an audience.


  • Theatrical
  • Concert Tour


  • Might need to organise group travel or organise group in the same city


  • Not necessary for a one day event


  • These come with venues included.

Local Area Info

  • Probably not needed here as will be scheduled  by Concerts

Weather Forecast

  • Needed outdoor Concerts

Family Events


  • Weddings

  • Christenings


  • Multiple travel options may need to be coordinated such as train and taxi if the location isn’t close to a station.


  • Most likely needed for a Wedding as people tend to stay over unless they are local.

  • Less likely for a Christening which tends to be a day event.


  • These come with venues included.

Local Area Info

  • Probably not needed here

Weather Forecast

  • Possibly useful for outdoor events.



  • This is generally a music based event that runs across several days, where it is typical for lots of people to camp for the duration.


  • Group or Solo Travel will be needed.


  • A lot of people camp at festivals but that could be arranged via our social network, or they might wish to stay in a hotel.


  • These come with venues included.

Local Area Info

  • Probably not needed here as people will be busy at the festival.

Weather Forecast

  • Festivals are generally outdoors so this would be needed.




Local Area Info

Weather Forecast









Family Events









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Business Events – Sami

This post contains information about the type of business events our social network would cater for.


  • A conference is a meeting of people who “confer” about a topic.
  • Academic conference, in science and academia, a formal event where researchers present results, workshops, and other activities.
  • Business conference, organized to discuss business-related matters.


  • Probably need multiple types of transport (unlikely that a train or a bus will run directly to the conference location, and you may have to fly there first) – needs coordination!


  • Most conferences aren’t local so chances are people will need accommodation.


  • These come with venues included.

Local Area Info

  • Might need entertainment options for guests you’ve brought with you.
  • Might want suggestions of places to eat in the evenings if the conference doesn’t provide food, or if you are staying on afterwards.

Weather Forecast

  • Possibly less needed here as most conferences involve staying inside.
  • However guests might want this information.

Training/Teambuilding Weekends


  • Team building refers to a wide range of activities, presented to businesses, schools, sports teams, religious or nonprofit organizations designed for improving team performance. Team building is pursued via a variety of practices, and can range from simple bonding exercises to complex simulations and multi-day team building retreats designed to develop a team (including group assessment and group-dynamic games), usually falling somewhere in between.


  • Will need to organise group travel.


  • Normally comes included if it’s sold as a multi day team building retreat


  • These tend to come with venues included.

Local Area Info

  • Probably not needed here as activities will be scheduled

Weather Forecast

  • Possibly needed for outdoor activities

Business Day Events


  • Induction Days
  • Presentation Days
  • Seminars
  • Workshops


  • Will need to organise group travel, also same day return travel.


  • Not necessary for a one day event.


  • Will need some sort of venue for this.

Local Area Info

  • Probably not needed here

Weather Forecast

  • Probably not needed here

Academic (Universities/Schools)


  • Presentation Days

  • Seminars

  • Workshops


  • Will need to organise group travel, also same day return travel.


  • Not necessary for a one day event.


  • Will need some sort of venue for this.

Local Area Info

  • Probably not needed here

Weather Forecast

  • Probably not needed here


Comparison Table




Local Area Info

Weather Forecast






Training/ Teambuilding



Business Events



Academic Events




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