Posts Tagged advertising

Overview of Dragons Den Pitch – Sami

This post details an overview of the preparation for the Dragons Den pitch.

The pitch will begin with an introduction to the project and the team, and then progress immediately onto a showing of the video.

Once the video has been shown the following items will be discussed in the pitch:

This portion will detail the USP’s of Koh.Tu.Me:

  • Inclusive: Koh.Tu.Me aims to bring everyone together, irrespective of whether you are on a social network or not, and if you are actually a member of Koh.Tu.Me or not.
  • Intelligent Travel Organiser: Koh.Tu.Me contains an intelligent travel organiser that not only aims to get you from your location to the event location, but is centered around organising the best travel options for the group!
  • Unique Combination: We have looked at over 40 different event and travel applications, and none of them combine the service of Koh.Tu.Me.
  • Open Data Centric: The travel data that Koh.Tu.Me uses will all be taken from different Open Data sets.
  • Targeted Event Advertising: Koh.Tu.Me is event centric, and therefore all advertising within the application will be aimed providing relevant adverts to the event you are attending.

Application Dev
This portion will provide detail about the application itself, initially by displaying an architecture diagram. Then it will be explained that it will be implemented by creating a responsive web app, that will then be ported to a mobile application, such that there will be a desktop site, a mobile site, and a mobile app to download depending on the users preference.

Survey Results
This section will look at the results from the survey ran to ascertain the popularity of the different features of Koh.Tu.Me. The survey produced some very positive results, with each ‘feature’ taking the majority vote as appealing.

This section will detail how the initial version of Koh.Tu.Me will look to make money. This will be in three ways:

  • Targeted Event Advertising: Koh.Tu.Me will provide targeted advertising related to the event information. For example events that include a meal out at a restaurant would show offers or adverts for restaurants in that chain, or in that area, or in that cuisine.
  • Taxi Referrals/Promotions: Koh.Tu.Me will be approaching taxi companies to ask them to consider paying to promote their taxi firm within our application, and Koh.Tu.Me would take a small booking referral for taxi’s booked through our application. Additionally/Alternatively they could pay a fixed rate to promote their company within our application. These companies could potentially be enticed in with trial offers.
  • Non Advert Purchasable App: There will also be a purchasable app that doesn’t include advertising for those who prefer this option.

Once the app has gained in both users and popularity we can introduce premium accounts and extra services. This will also give us more scope to pitch to more companies for booking referrals and promotion within our application.

The pitch will end with a summary of Koh.Tu.Me and will then break for questions.


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Advertising Video – Sami

This is the initial advertising video prepared for the pitch. It was created using drawings that were all put together to run as a video, so that different soundtracks could be recorded behind it.

We are still currently experimenting with different voice overs for the Dragons Den pitch, but this is the preliminary cut.

Advertising Video


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Application Refined Version 5.0 – Sami

This blog will make clear which elements of our application will be included from the outset, and which elements are future considerations:

Building on the previous post Application Refined Version 4.0 – Sami which focused on the features of our initial application, this post will look at how the initial application of Koh.Tu.Me will be used to make money.

Our initial application will make money in the following ways:

  • Free app with advertising revenue.
  • Booking referrals (from taxi companies).
  • Purchased app with no advertising.

Once our app gains popularity and users then we could progress to these methods:

  • Premium business service.
  • In app purchases.
  • Ticket purchases within the application, with booking referrals.

Therefore to summarise, our initial version of Koh.Tu.Me will be focused on the social, purely built on Open Data, with minimal setup costs and complexities. The main complexity will be associated with handling the different types of Open Data that need to be correlated for the travel organisational element.


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Business Model – Jokha & Sami

There are many ways that our social networking application could be used to generate revenue. Advertising is an obvious revenue stream, although it is important that whatever advertising is added to our application (even for the purposes of a ‘freemium’ esque model) is relevant to the app itself. Relevant advertising could include travel and accommodation, and information about local stores and points of interest in the area the event is taking place.

Some people would be prepared to pay for better advice, particularly if they are attending an event abroad e.g Italy. Our app could provide our users with advice about Italian hotels, Guide offices, prices for visiting points of interest such as the Vatican and much much more [1]. Moreover, our app could also detail people with the weather forecast information for the event, in addition to useful transportation information and pricing.

Targeted Advertising
Advertising could also be targeted based on the type of event a user is going to. For example if they are going to a meal with friends, and they have set their start location as their home address, perhaps our application could provide offers on restaurants in their area [2]. The beauty of this type of targeted advertising is that it wouldn’t revolve around storing and repurposing the users information, it would purely be based on the current event that is being organised. This could work for all the varieties of events that our application offers (e.g business and pleasure).

Promotion Advertising
In addition to getting people to pay for general advertising on our application (which would be distributed to the relevant audiences) specific travel companies could also pay to be promoted within our application. For instance specific taxi companies could pay to have their taxi number promoted for all people in that area wanting to travel by taxi.

Booking Referrals/Extras
Companies might also pay for booking referrals, for instance if a taxi was booked through our app.
In the same vein as “in game purchases” our application could offer extras such as upgrades to first class travel where we would receive a certain payment for facilitating this purchase.

No Advertising App
There are some people who won’t want advertising in their app however relevant it might be. For those people we could offer a “pay for” app that doesn’t have advertising. That way we could collect purchase revenue for each person who wanted that kind of app.

An essential step towards commercialising our application is to promote it. This could also be done via the use of social networks, for instance it could be advertised on Facebook or a blog could be produced illustrating how it works with a video [3]. In addition it is important to advertise this to people who don’t use social networks as well, so that they can understand how they may use the application without having to sign up for it. This could be done through TV or magazine advertising.


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