Archive for category Welcome and Project Brief
Application Refined Version 3.0 – Sami
Posted by Samantha Kanza in Welcome and Project Brief on March 13, 2014
Event Features
The results from our business and pleasure event analysis showed that the most common features that would be useful to both business and pleasure events were:
- group travel
- multiple travel organisation (aka train then taxi)
- weather forecast information
These therefore are the main features that will be offered in the first version of our application. Future features will include:
- local area info
- accomodation
- venue booking
Login Features
In the interest of breaking down the barriers between different social networks, this application will allow logging in/signing up, in multiple different ways. In the initial version of our application login will be facilitated through:
- Login with Facebook [1]
- Login with Google Plus [2]
- Login with Twitter [3]
- Sign up to our site and create an account to login with
This means that if someone has a social networking account with any of those platforms they can still login to our application without having to create a new account.
Additionally guests can be invited to events who don’t have an account by their email address, and they will receive a link to view the event at.
In the same vein as our advertising features, this social networking app is about providing a service, and is less about collecting lots of data about the users. FOAF [4] could be used to facilitate working out who knows who for each event to make the travel planning easier, and an Address book importer [5] could be used to extract an event planners contacts to make the invite process easier.
Application Refined Version 2.0 – Sami
Posted by Samantha Kanza in Welcome and Project Brief on March 3, 2014
After looking at the related academic work and exploring the different sites that already existed, it seemed like our idea really had a competitive advantage in that we couldn’t find other social networking applications or indeed event organisation sites that quite offered the service ours would.
Building from that different event types were discussed and from looking at the way other sites had been split (including sites that weren’t even event sites) it became clear that there was an obvious Business/Pleasure split for the different types of events our application could cater for.
The next few blog posts will be exploring the different needs of business and pleasure applications to work out which features would be most useful for our application.
A new intelligent way of managing events – Sami
Posted by Samantha Kanza in Welcome and Project Brief on February 21, 2014
Our idea for a social networking application is centered around events, it has two main aims:
1. To bring people together from all different (and in some cases no) social networks.
2. To make organising and planning events easier (specifically the travel element).
We don’t want to create yet another social networking site that necessitates another set of user accounts; more we want to build and improve upon what we already have.
Our idea is to create a social space for managing events; whereby events from different social networking events can be linked, and anyone (irrespective of whether they belong to a social network, or which one they belong to) can be invited.
All attendees of the event will specify where they are travelling from and their preferred transport options. Our application will then collate sensible travel options together for different groups. For example, if several people from Portswood, Southampton were attending an event in the town centre and they all selected ‘Taxi’ as a transport option; our application would suggest that they all shared a taxi together to reduce costs.
Type of Application
This application will be created with a view to commercialise it.
Commercialisation Potential
This application could be commercialised initially by the use of advertising (e.g specific taxi companies would pay to advertise with us, and we would promote them as the taxi company to call for that transport option). Once the application is more established and has begun to grow, additional options such as booking group train tickets, coaches, even flights could be done through this application with a certain fee going to us as the facilitators of this transaction.
Future Potential
There is great scope for future development of this idea, as a simple version with minimal transport options intended for local areas could be created initially; with the potential to expand out into international travel with all sorts of travel options, even potentially multiple combinations of travel such as taxi –> plane –> taxi.
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